One in A Million (Ross Lynch)

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Just sitting here staring at the best picture I have of Ross thinking of the good times we had together I started to cry and saying "he's never coming back" my mom walked in my room and says "u gotta get out of this house" me "y did this happen to me" my mom replied "he had to go it was the best thing for him" me yelling "HIM LEAVING ME BEHIND WAS THE BEST THING FOR HIM"

(we was best friends)


Sitting in the backyard on my little sisters play set talking, Ross "I have to leave and I might not come back" me "what? Y?" Ross "this place and ur not good for me" me starting to cry "what do u mean I'm not good for u" Ross "ur holding back my dreams" me getting off the play set "how am I holding back ur dreams"


I started screaming my mom walks in "wats wrong honey" me screaming "he left me here no way to see how he's doing or to talk to him not even the rest of them he said I was holding back his dreams" my mom "he'll be back" me still screaming "LAIR LAIR U KNOW HE'S NOT COMING BACK SO STOP TELLING ME THAT" *phone vibrates* my mom answers it saying "it's Valarey" me "take care of it I don't wanna talk" *mom on phone* "hey Val she made me talk" Val "tell her to put the TV on channel 32" mom "y wat happen" Val "nothin happened just turn the TV on" mom "ok" *hangs up phone and turns on the TV in front of me* "watch" me "ok wat is it" mom "idk something Val saw" when my mom turned the channel I asked "y am I watching Disney?" mom "idk just watch" when the chemicals was done the show just started Ross was in the first scene me "is that?" when the theme song came on and showed who stared I said "really his dream was to be a actor and I was hold him back from that" as I turned off the TV and unplugged it mom "he said u was hold back his dreams because he didn't wanna leave u" me yelling "BUT HE DID LEAVE ME"

(Flashback) (when we first met)

We was at the park he with his family they was playing football I was with my mom and sister and our dog when the dog got lose I went after him when I jumped up and started running I didn't see Ross throwing a football to Riker when it hit me in the head I fell he ran over to me and helped me up we both lifted up our heads to look at each other when we looked in each others eyes we couldn't talk he was trying to say "I'm so sorry" me "it's ok I didn't watch where I was going" Ross "ummm I'm ummmm" Riker yell "Ur name is Ross dummy" Ross "umm yea I'm Ross and u r?" me "I'm ummm" my little sister ran up behind me saying "this is Deanna" me "I guess I'm Deanna" Ross "well Deanna I'm really sorry bout ur head I would like to make it up to u......... Do u maybe wanna catch a movie" me "sure I guess here's my number" as I put my number in his phone he was saying "see u soon" me "yea"


It was getting late my mom already fell asleep I got my suit case ready and some food, I wrote letter to my mom that says:

Dear Mom,

I went to Los Angeles to find Ross. This is the only way I'll be happy I'm sorry I let this make ur life horrible and I'm sorry for just noticing I need him in my life if he's not I might as well not belong I the world so it's him or I give up my life and I'm picking him, if u try to call I won't answer my phone I turned it off and took out the battery and I'm sorry for this.


your daughter

(Back at home)

It's 7 in the morning my mom woke up and read the letter she got dressed and started to drive to Los Angeles (we live in Utah) 3 hours of driving she saw me sitting at a gas station so she pulled in and rolled down the window and told me to get in I replied "no I'm going to Los Angeles I have to see Ross" mom "that's where we r going" I asked "y r u doing this for me?" mom answered "cuz I want u to be happy and not to give up ur life" on the way to Cali me and my mom was talking mom "y r u so depressed u guys was just best friends" me "I know we was but I wish we was more but he decided to leave" mom "why didn't u tell him" me "if I told him and he didn't feel the same way that would ruin our friend ship" when we finally got to Los Angeles we didnt know where to go so we just drove around we stopped at the beach to walk around when my mom says "let's go to the shore" I started to cry mom "wat did I say" me "his middle name is Shor" while crying, when we went to the shore we walked letting the wave crash on our feet my head down not look where I was going I ran into someone I looked up he looked a lot like Riker I said "I'm so sorry" Riker asked "do I know u?" I replied "I don't know" as I walk away he ran to me asking "ur name is Deanna right?" me "yes it is how did u know" Riker "u and my brother Ross was best friends when we first met he hit u in the head with a football in Utah" the memories was coming back I started to cry and ran way saying "I'm so sorry I can't do this"

Riker's P.O.V

I think I said something to her that was bad but I don't know. I got in my car and went home where Ross was sitting in his room looking at a picture of Deanna I walked into his room saying "someone bumped in to me today" Ross "so" me "she looked a lot like Deanna" Ross "wat when did this happen and y didn't just call me" me "at the beach like an hour ago and I didn't call u cuz she is still super sensitive about u leaving" Ross "wat make u think that?" me "as soon I said ur name she started to cry and ran away" Ross "I gotta find her where was she when u left" me "she was on the pier" Ross "drive me there?" me "ok" we both got to the pier we was looking for her she wasn't there I say "let's try tomorrow" Ross "no" we went to the beach and started to walk I saw her little ways away I said to Ross "she looks different" Ross "wat do u mean" me "she kinda has ur named carved on her leg as I could see and she has piercing and she cuts herself" Ross "wat" we walked over to her and her mom I said "Deanna?" Ross was standing behind me Deanna looked at me and said "wat Riker" me "I have someone for u" Deanna "who" me "someone........get out from behind me" I grabbed Ross's arm and pulled him out from behind me, she was back looking at the ocean Ross said "hey" she looked like she knew the voice she looks up at Ross she jumped up and hugged him he hugged back Deanna "I missed u a lot" Ross "me to....... Wat happened to u?" Deanna "Ross wat do u mean wat happened to me?" Ross took Deanna's hand and turned it over so he could see the cuts and touched her nose ring and said "open ur mouth and stick out ur tongue" Deanna "how did u know about that" Ross "I kinda saw u playing with it" Deanna "oh" Ross "so wat happened to u?" Deanna "u left that's wat happened to me" Ross "when I left u got a nose and tongue rings and started to cut ur self anything else change" Deanna "nope" she turned around to go get something to drink and that's when Ross saw her leg he said "stop" walked over to her and and bent down rubbing her leg where his name was carved Ross "y this and y my name?" Deanna started to cry and say "umm only way to get the pain out and ur name ummmmm cuz ur my best friend u been there for me through everything until u left" Ross "don't cry" my mom "let's go Deanna we gotta find somewhere to sleep" me "u guys can stay with us" my mom "thank you so much Riker" we all went to our house where Stormie, Mark, Rocky, Rydel, Ryland, and Ratliff was waiting we walk in Deanna "who's that" me "that's Ratliff his a family friend and a band member" Deanna "a band member?" me "we kinda in a band called R5" Deanna and Ross walked to his room so they can catch up and I showed her mom to their room

Deanna's (my) P.O.V.

We was sitting on his bed talking when I said "I love you" "omg wat did I just do" Ross "it's fine that's kinda the reason I left" me "u left cuz u knew I love u" Ross "no ur wrong I left cuz I love you and I didn't wanna mess up our friend ship" me "oh" Ross "I'm sry" me "so how u been" Ross "I've been fine best part is singing" me "singing something from ur band" Ross starting sing without you me "that's really good and ur a good singer" Ross "Riker and Rocky kinda wrote it when we moved for us" after he put his guitar back down he turned and faced me (I couldn't control myself) I lead into him and kissed him after we was done I realized wat I did and I ran out of the room and out of the house Ross ran after me while Stormie was asking "wat happened" I didn't stop running until I hit the beach and just fell into the sand crying Ross walked up behind me sat down me "I'm so sry Ross" Ross replied "it's fine don't worry about it........... I actually kinda like it" me "ok I've been waiting 9 year 4 months and 15 days to do that" Ross "that's when we first met when I kinda hit u in the head with a football" me "so ur getting my point?" Ross "well I've been waiting 9 years 3 months and 2 days" me "I'm confused" Ross "u was walking down the street in front of our house and I intensely knew I loved you" me "awwwwww............ It's freezing" Ross took off his long sleeve and put it on me I say "thank you" Ross "no problem" we stood up I started to walk back to the house when Ross took my hand a pulled me to him and said "I haven't been able to give u a proper hug" he started to hug so tight I couldn't breathe I started to tap him he let go and said "I'm sry I just really really really really missed u" I replied "I can tell" and I tired to give him a kiss on the cheek when he turned his head so I would kiss his lips I said "Ross wat was that for we r just friends" Ross replied "well I'm ur bf (best friend)" me "yes" Ross "y can't we change that to bf (boy friend)"

One in A Million (Ross Lynch)Where stories live. Discover now