01: 《Arrival》

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A/N: This is kinda the first story I'm publishing. It's kinda scary.
Can't promise for regular updates, sorry.
Welp, enjoy the show.


The war had two sides: the Honkai and humanity. The Honkai is a phenomenon that occurs around the world, causing diseases that turn men into walking corpses and creating creatures out of mysterious coagulated energy--dubbed Honkai energy. Fortunately, the humans had a way to harness this energy through Stigmata, a half-biological-half-supernatural trait that occurs naturally in a select number of humans in the world, or be surgically installed into a normal human. Those with Stigmata that are employed as disposable soldiers to fight for humanity's future are called Valkyries.

Saint Freya High--a place to train the next generation of  Valkyries--was a place that Noah had been calling home for the past five months. The boy had spent his days here single-mindedly diving into his studies and training with a straight sword. At some point, an officer suddenly notified him that he had become an A rank, suddenly finding himself assigned to a platoon and transferring residence to the Valkyrie dorm to be near the rest of his unit.

There he was, standing on the doorstep of the Fifth Platoon's Suite. The Valkyrie dorm was a series of squad-specific suites connected to a large hallway on every floor. There weren't enough boys enrolled, hence the reason for having only one dorm. Though they would normally be assigned to a residence near the borders of the school, the boy has been proven to have enough mental fortitude and his next direct superior liked to have all her subordinates under one roof. He was wearing his uniform, which was equipped with temperature-controlling technology to be conducive for learning. Suffice to say, his discomfort wasn't because of the heat.

He knocked on the door.

He was welcomed by a scarlet-haired woman. He knew her profile, Major Murata Himeko, Commander-in-chief of the Fifth Valkyrie Squad and commanding officer of the amphibious assault ship Hyperion. Unknown to him, she was known as a sort of female fatale for having a combination of good looks, curvaceous bodylines, and flirty personality. The current her was dressed in a sweater and shorts, as opposed to the usual chest-baring outfit in the profiles.

"So you're the new boy?" She said, looking him up and down.

Noah saluted. "A-rank Valkyrie, Noah Arkos reporting in for dormitory transfer, ma'am."

"Sure thing, so get in," the Major said, turning back to the dorm and muttering something under her breath.

The inside was cozy. Noah entered a short hall leading to a medium-sized living room with beige-colored walls and warm lighting. It was occupied by a few couches and a deactivated TV, shelves with pictures of its inhabitants and books ranging from textbooks to graphic novels. To one side was a junction to a kitchen, while the other had a stairway leading to the second floor. Under that was a small corridor leading to what can only be called a sort of storage room. The sound of cooking escaped from the kitchen along with the welcoming scent of stew.

"Take a seat," the Major said.

Noah complied, dragging his trunk towards a couch and silently sat. There was a file on the table, labelled 《CONFIDENTIAL》, and the woman picked it up and opened it casually.

"A rank in five months?" She said.

The boy nodded, not sure what to say.

The Major leafed through more pages of the file and whistled. "Hey, are you sure your track record isn't made up or something?"

Honkai Impact 3: Noah's ArkWhere stories live. Discover now