Chapter: 1 Friend or Foe

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Run, that's all she could do, just run, run and hope she would find him again, that's all that mattered. Then she saw a herd, well actually she heard it, Centaurs aren't exactly the quietest creatures, especially this herd. As they drew closer, she backed up a little, this herd was obviously a herd of larger horses, big stallions weren't known for kindness, but there was an one in three chance that one would be friendly, they had to help right? As they got closer, her determination faltered, they were Shire stallions, she had never heard of a kind Shire before, ever. The last few Centaurs galloped into the clearing, but as they did, a yearling tripped. The biggest stallion, probably the leader, cantered over, the yearling looked up at them as the leader glared. The yearling flinched and a large stallion stepped in front of them, the leader scowled and walked away, hitting the stallion with his tail on his way. The yearling pushed the stallion away and ran off, the stallion followed only to be chased off by the rest of the group. He walked away and found a spot where his herd would leave him be, he fell onto his side and stayed there, she took this opportunity to approach. "Hello?" She whispered, the stallion jumped up, maybe he wasn't asleep after all. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" He looked between her and his herd before kneeling down in front of her. "My herd was separated and I need to find my friend." He nodded and stood up. "Course I'll help, my herd doesn't like me so... enough about me, where did you see your friend last?" She started walking into the trees. "My name is Pidge, and you are?" The stallion caught up with her. "I'm Shiro."

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