Plan A

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We got through the security room trying to fing the right camera for the right room and positioned the time, so that we see what happened at the time when Tiffany sent me the note and acussed me of threatening her.

"So she did give you the note, but you forgot to take it with you" Callum said

"I guess so, but she did send me a note, at least I did get some part of the story right." I said 

"I'm going back to that class and get the note so I can prove them wrong." I said

"Today, I am going to write a report and gather all the infomation" Audrey said

The next day, we shared all the infomation and showed the security footage to everyone, to see for themseves what happened on the day i was acussed.

"So, now you see what I mean, and I have evidence, the note" I said

"Um, Bethany, I'm sorry, I just asaumed that you were lying, but I had no proof or evidence that you were lying" Connor said

"Are you being serious, this was obviously a set up. You can't believe her, you can't take sides with her" Tiffany said

"Shut up Tiffany. Go bother someone else" Amber said

"Um, excuse me"Tiffany said

"Exactly. And I didn't even like you anyway." Amber said

"Um, I guess I am sorry about the whole thing" Connor said

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