Chapter One: Meeting.

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All of these are my own ideas! I have not stolen any ideas from any book whatsoever.

If the storyline is familiar too another fanfic, I am truly sorry, but once again... These are my own ideas!

I also just wanted too let you guys know that I'm English so I don't know about American schooling. Here in England we finish school at 16 so that's what I'll be writing the book by. I'm sorry if this confuses anyone!! (:

Also there won't be a lot of smut and my writing will improve by chapter 😘

Hope you all enjoy!! ❤️



I walk out of the door and the cold, November air instantly hits my face. I shove my hands in my pockets and keep my head down. I sigh as I realise what a mess I'm in. I hate arguing with my mother, and it's worse that she's kicking me out.

I sit on the bench at the park and start too overthink. My Mum has kicked me out of the house and I have 3 days too find a place too live, great. I have a low wage, how am I meant too provide for myself? I wish my mum would give me a break, I mean, I got drunk once, I never get drunk. What a stupid reason too kick your 18 year old daughter out of the house.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by a boy who sits next too me. He has dark hair and his curls are pushed back. He starts too annoy me by kicking a pebble around the concrete floor. I clear my throat and he jumps a little, before his eyes meet mine, his beautiful green eyes gazing into mine.

"Um, hey. I'm Harry." He smiles.

He has a really cute smile and his teeth are perfectly white and straight. He also looks like a really good hugger, and I really want a hug at the moment.

"Hi, I'm Eve." I awkwardly say as I run my fingers through my hair.

I wish it was easy too speak too someone. I wish I wasn't awkward and I wish I could just be civilised. But why should I? You can't trust anybody anymore.

"You look sad." He frowns. His voice is deep and a little raspy, he also speaks slow and it's very attractive.

Well, fuck, I am sad.

"I am."

"Hey, why? Don't be sad." He opens his arms out for a hug.

I hesitated and crossed my arms over my chest, like I don't even know the guy. He raised his eyebrows and he smiled a little.

"C'mon, all you need is a hug."

I sighed a little before I hugged him, he was quite warm and his jacket was soft. I rested my head against his chest and I listened too his heart beat. Then I realised, I'm just hugging some random guy in the park. I quickly released from the hug and buried my face in my hands.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"My mum has kicked me out of the house." I groan as I mentally kick myself.

"Aw, that's not good." He groans.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Did you know that it takes 17 muscles too smile and 43 too frown?"

I just chuckle, although I was quite interested, because as a matter of fact I didn't know.

"Maybe we could be friends?" He smiles.

"Well, sure. I could give you my number."

"Yeah." I smiled.

I typed my number in his phone and handed it him back.

"Okay, Eve. I'll see you around." He smiled, before walking away.

"Bye." I weakly smiled.


I call my big sister, Diana, too see if I can stay at her place.

"Hi Eve! How are you?" She asks through the phone.

I swear I can see her frown through the screen. We've never really got on well, but she's my only hope.

"Not so good. Uh, can I come stay at your place please?" I plead.

"Yeah, but why?" She asks and I just shake my head although she can't see me. "...Eve?"

"She kicked me out because I came home drunk at 3am. She's such an overprotective freak, seriously." I almost yell.

"Oh uh, I can pick you up, now. If you'd like?"

"Yeah, I'm at the park. I'll wait at the gate." I tell her before hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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