Healing Through Stories

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Written By Kelli Benis

In memory of Dr. Maya Angelou I thought it would be fitting to dedicate this post to her as a tribute to a phenomenal woman.

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.” — Dr. Maya Angelou

Stories come in all shapes and sizes and are as diverse as we the storytellers. So many trials, so many fears, so many successes remain locked away inside of people where they will never see the light of day. It is in the sharing of our stories that we connect with others during the journey of life. The most powerful stories are those that expose our innermost fears and shame, the stories that resonate with the souls of others who need most of all to feel that they are connected, not alone.

The old saying is that misery loves company, but could it be that the thing that needs company the most is humanity? Millions of us go about our day holding our stories under lock and key in a vault within our hearts that will never be opened, except to put another story in its dark and lonely tomb. We crave connection, acceptance and belonging but fail to see that what it is that connects us are the very stories that we lock away from those whom we long to connect with.

Even though our tales are different, no two exactly alike, the chords that they strike in others can provide inspiration and courage to see us all through even the worst of tragedies. Tell your story, whatever it is, and be assured that you will enjoy the freedom from its weight and someone else will feel connected to it like a warm embrace.

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