chapter 1

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  Sitting in my utterly boring, boring classroom. It was nearly the end of the day until Christmas break.My annoying teacher is giving a lecture about poly-somthing or nother. I toned him out a long time ago and I stared at the clock...5 minutes until school gets out. Then I have an hour long buss ride, ill just sleep.

"Kyle...Kyle" is all I herd and stapped out of my daydreaming, I looked at my teacher, Mr.Ducklum. To show him I was paying attention.

"Kyle, can you solve this polytheistic therum that I put up on the board?" Mr.Ducklum was my advanced Calculus teacher.

"Umm...." just as I was about to stand up and solve it, luckly, the bell rang, and I quickly picked up my stuff and ran out to the lot of buses. I got in my seat, and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. I saw shadows moving into seats. Then I passed out into a light sleep.

I woke up to my seat partner shaking me rapidly. I look at her sleepily, she had a frightful look on face, it was strange, she was always happy and to be quite frank its utterly annoying. I relized she was wispering to me, to get up. She Is starting to worry me a little she was always loud when she talks and even wispers, it gives me a headache from time to time.

I was confused, what has gotten her so scared. I looked up and I answered my question. There were 2 guys walking up and down the isle looking at kids, then one guy comes on the bus and starts talking.

"Listin up,Bitches, and Jackasses, how do I put this nicely..there is really no way to put it nicely, Vampires control you pitiful low life, scum humans. You will become what ever a vampire wants you to be. If they say to be a servant you will be a servant, and if they say to be a pet then you will be a pet, and if they say your a sex slave then your a sex.....wait hold on." He sniffs the air and im in confusion. Next thing I know im being picked up by 2 retarded dumasses and thrown into ths back of a car. The big dumasses gets in the car and starts driving.

"Why exactly the fuck am I here." I ask

"Your werewolf and human now shut your fucking mouth." He says still driving.

Oh, ok. Thats not normal.

"Bitch" I cough out.

"What did you just say?" He questioned.

"Oh, nothing I just coughed, I had somthing caught in my throught." I lied

"Asswipe." I coughed again trying not to laugh.

"Shut up!!" He yelled. He through me out of the car onto concrete. Ow fucktard. He yanked me inside of this giant castle and up 20 flights of stairs, no joke I counted. Dam who puts a room 20 flights of stairs up.

"Well this him" a deep voice said

"Yup." Asswipe said

"Lets fix his problom shall we, he smells like a werewolf, but doesnt look like one?!" The deep voice said.

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