Dear Darling

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To my baby ,

Sweetie, I know you're on your way to this world, your home -my womb awaits the day the creator blows your soul in. :)  

I found out I'm pregnant with you on September 12, 2018 approximately 9 days later, I write you this letter. I've always wanted you. Your father and I are eccentrically waiting your arrival. We love you very much. Even though I barely realize your growth in me now. I have found out you're the size of a peppercorn now. Your embryo is still actively growing you'll be a fetus soon. It's SubhanaaAllaah amazing to know that even mama was your size when she was  in Nani's womb. I'm eagerly awaiting to hold you in my arms and teach you all the good things that I want you to become. 

I just want you to know, that even though mommy might scold you sometimes, it's only because she loves you and she wants what's best for you. Dad might spoil you and that's his way of showing his love.  

Also, mama is refraining  from eating all sugary stuff she loves, so you grow to be a  healthy baby.  That's how much I love you. I love you more.

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