The Cheeky One {Harry Styles/ One Direction}

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Happy reading! This is just a test run, to see if I should continue.(: enjoy. The picture on the side is kind of how I imagined Logan... But with jeans.

Moving to London hadn't been my idea.

But alas, nobody really cared.

If it hadn't been for the incredibly history in the city, British accents, and the fact that I really didn't have much choice in the matter, I would have happily stayed in Seattle.

So, here I sat in some random bookshop, escaping from home. Dad was gone, something not too unusual, and Evie, and Kassidy were all on a bloody rampage. I'd found this store the very first day we'd arrived, in my wandering around London. I might as well work here, as I'd spent the majority of the last 3 weeks in this cozy little shop. The owner, Francesca, knew me by name by now, and didn't mind my loitering.

I was relaxing back on the conveniently placed couch crammed between bookshelves near the front of the shop while Francesca sorted stuff in the back. Technically, I didn't work here but I think she'd forgotten. So had I. I was reading a book on the history of Britain's involvement in WWII, the last Harry Potter book discarded by my side, finished hours ago.

However, once the screaming had started, I knew something was going on. Nothing too terribly exciting could be happening at any of the stores around here, so this must be pretty freaking huge to warrant that decibel level. I rolled my dark brown eyes, and turned back to my book, sipping my hot chocolate as I did so. I wasn't a coffee drinker. Personally, I thought the stuff was nasty. I much preferred hot chocolate to that bloody stuff.

The screaming started to fade, and I immersed myself back into my book, but unfortunately as soon as the world of the 1940's had taken me once again, the bell dangling by the door chimed, signalling someone had entered. Or several someone's judging by the pattering feet. Obviously, they were attempting to be quiet, and failing spectacularly.

"Your future careers as spies are never going to work out." I mused to them without looking up from my book.

I heard a squeal of outrage coming from a masculine voice, and I snorted in amusement.

"I'll have you know, I'm very sneaky." Said the boy, well, man more like. The voice sounded vaguely familiar, so I decided to give them my attention more fully.

5 gorgeous boys stood in front of me. Oh. One Direction. Interesting.

In reply to the one who spoke, who I was guessing was Louis, a tall brunette with blue eyes and a great ass, I rolled my eyes and turned back to my book. "I'm sure." I muttered.

Suddenly, the book was snatched uncerimoniously from my hands. I looked up, pretty pissed off. "Do you know who we are?" Asked a curly haired boy with gorgeous greenish eyes. Harry, I got from my limited 1D knowledge.

I stood up, which in retrospect wasn't a great move, considering at only 5'0, all of them were atleast half a foot taller than I was. I glared at all of them, despite the fact that not all of them had been rude.

"I'm well aware you all are One Direction, but being famous does not give you the right to be assholes. Can I have my book back now please?" I snapped.

The one I'm pretty sure was Liam snatched my book from Harry and gave it back to me, looking bashful.

"I'm so sorry about them. Lets try again. I'm Liam!" He said.

"I'm Harry!" My book snatcher called out.

"I'm Louis!" The failed ninja yelled.

"I'm Niall!" Called out a cute blond boy with an adorable Irish accent.

The Cheeky One {Harry Styles/ One Direction}Where stories live. Discover now