A Celestial Journey

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 Matt and his 14-year-old brother, Cole, decided to go on an adventure in the forest near their town, which was small. They decided to go there by Matt's car, as he knew how to drive since he was 16, which was 5 years ago,

While they were packing their bags to camp in the forest, they heard the doorbell. "who's there?" Cole yelled coming down the stairs hesitating to open the door before hearing their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Carol say "oh, it's just the nice old lady next door, bringing some good luck cookies before you leave."

When he opened the door, Cole found their old neighbor, giving him a big smile. "you should come in, oh our most favourite person in this milieu" he welcomed her to sit in the living room, giggling before taking the cookies and placing them on the table.

"Hey Cole!" Shouted Matt "I just finished packing our bags! who was at the door?" The younger boy and women saw him descending the stairs to join them.

"Hello to my second most favourite person in this room" said Mrs. Carol with a knowing smile. "but I'm the only other person in this room!" he sulked and fixed a glare on her but Cole's snickering didn't go unnoticed by Matt, and he gave another glare to Cole before saying "I swear you two love to plot against me sometimes"

"Oh, we sure do!" Cole said while Mrs. Carol continued. "It's fun to see you get agitated, son."

After getting in the car, Matt and Cole said their farewells to Mrs. Carol, as they headed down to the forest. The car ride wasn't very eventful, they just sang a couple of pop songs till they arrived. Their camp wasn't hard to setup as it was only a two-person tent. It wasn't long before they fell asleep.

Cole was a light sleeper, as he heard the rustle of leaves getting stepped on and stirred his brother awake.

"Augh, what do you want Cole" Matt said in his deep sleepy voice.

"I heard a noise outside Matt! We should check it out before it eats us" hearing that, Matt was alert and wide-awake.

"yeah, let the big brother go outside so he gets eaten first" Cole laughed at Matt's comment and reassured his brother "if you're scared I can come with you".

"We have no time for this Cole, I'll go check it out " Matt went outside to investigate before Cole trailed behind. There was nothing outside as they searched, but they still wanted to check their surround as they couldn't go back to sleep.

It was still dark, the boys kept searching for the noise's source till they found some footsteps leading to a hidden part of forest.

Cole said: "When our parents were alive, I still remember they said this leads to a lake" Matt didn't want to comment on Cole's statement, but wanted to search.

Near the lake, they found a wounded boy in his teenage years laying on the grass unconscious, which struck this predicament as strange.

"Hey, we need to help him" Matt said while approaching the cyan haired boy beside the lake. Cole helped Matt take him to their camp, to care for his injuries.

After attending to the injured boy's wounds, he started to wake up.

"Ugh... where am I?" the stranger's strained voice said.

"We found you unconscious on the lake's side and brought you to our camp" Matt answered.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked Cole and continued "I'm Cole by the way and this is my big brother Matt, what's your name?"

"My name's Emyr "and after that truth, all what Emyr uttered was lies to not reveal his secrets.

After that, Emyr stayed with the brothers and started to live with them. Several weeks later, Cole started school and Matt went to his daily job.

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