Once upon a time there were three little girls. Mya was the quiet girl who was scared of her own shadow. Suquennta was the girl who wasn't afraid except it took a baby spider to scare her. The girl who wasnt afraid of anything........LaTonya....One day LaTonya convinced the girls to explore a abodand house on the street. But it was one thing she didnt tell them........ She never told them that people who entered the house NEVER CAME BACK OUT.....Lets read about the story of the three girls and the haunted house.
"OMG¡ that is the most terrible ghost story I have ever heard in my life." Yeah you are totally lieing about the whole story. But I'm not lieing its true. "The house down the street is haunted." Watever." Suquentta said." You should grow up and stop living in your nightmares.Suquentta leaves the room. "Okay since you do not believe me why dont we explore the house just so I can prove my point." Suquentta comes back in the room," You know what,okay we will go,just so I can see you crash when you realize the house is not haunted and that there is NO SUCH THING AS GHOST. "Fine."Tonya said. Suquentta walks out and slams the door. Mya just stares in shock..."uuuuuuummmmmm Tonya do you expect me to go?"
Mya couldnt sleep that night knowing she was going into a haunted house that next night. As she looks over to check on her sisters they are fast asleep.She tries to go to sleep constantly tossing and turning. She finally decides to close her eyes and go to sleep......thump thump thump thump....Suddenly she hears footsteps coming up the hallway steps.They suddenly starts to sound like they are coming from the basement......thump thump thump thump...Mya tries to cover her head with a pillow but the more she ignored it the louder it seemed to get...Suddenly she starts hearing voices. She couldnt hear what they were saying, it was way too many voices at once. Mya head was spinning she coudnt take it nomore."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mya screams in horror.She wakes her sisters with a rude awakening. What the....."Mya whats wrong with you?"her sisters asked. Nothing just another nightmare I guessed. She lays down and finally decides to go to sleep.
The next morning the girls decided to explore the house. Mya wanted to tell her sisters what happened last night but she didnt want her sisters to get nervous, she really didnt want to scare herself.After breakfast the girls decided to go to the house. They are finally on their way out the door " Girls were are you guys going?" Uuuuuuummmmmm to Uuuuuummmmm Katie's house."Oh! okay tell her mom I said hello" Okay mom see you later.
"So this is the house you were talking about?" Suquentta asked."Well at least it looks like the way you described it." Wateva lets just go inside. As the girls walked up to the house they could see spider webs everywhere. " Well can this get any creepier?"
LaTonya reached for the door. She begins to twist the door but to find out the door was locked."Noooooooooooooo." She beats the door expecting it to fall down(what an embarrassing moment). Suquentta stops her crazy sister.."Stop you dum nut you embarrassing me...well us..wink wink. Stop acting retarded, look well just come back..TONIGHT." Wait what no, Mya says. Shes right momma would never let us back outside if she found out we were around here and plus curfew is at 8:00 you know how she is." Think kids we are going to say we are spending a night over Katie house and we will just convince her to explore the house with us deal.....deal okay lets go. She didnt even give us a chance to answer said Mya. It will be alright LaTonya said.
"I told you I could convince mom to let us spend a night over Katie's." Now you still have to convince Katie to explore the haunted house with us(lol) O shutup you muslum.
"Of course I would love to explore the house with you guys! Do you know how long I have wanted to explore that house? OMG! I could pee on myself about now! "No.......No you shouldn't, take a chill phill my guy or at least save it for tonight." Suquentta says leaving the room with the girls in shock.
BOOM BOOM BOOM Suquentta is beating the knob with a hammer until finally it opens... Are you guys ready? Mmmmmmmmm.Lets go. Katie phones ring.....Hello........foreal......really.....no way....okay......on my way.......bye....ummmmmm sorry you guys maybe some other time my brother is in the hospital. " Okay see you later and good luck."the girls say.. I guess its just us three again...Lets go. As LaTonya's about to open the door it suddenly opens automatically. Uuuuuuummmmmm okay.....awkward but lets go. They enters the house but...BOOM...the door suddenly shuts hard and loudly behind them.
"What was that?" Mya asked. "Nothing, just the door closing." Soooooooooo Tonya were are all the ghost? I dont know i guess you have to wait awhile. " Let's just face it Tonya you lied about the whole thing, somebody probably lives here, we should go." " Or maybe you are just scared." Tonya said. " Lol'" Suquentta said. " Thought I was but just to give you a heads up ain never been afraid of ghost, so lets explore and see what pops out." Fine lets go. OMG Mya sighs.
Tonya's POV
As we begin walking I begin to feel this coldness. The house was sooo dark. Whats so bad about my life is I can see and hear ghost. The gift is scary but you know I guess its just part of life, well,mine I guess.
(CRAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHBBOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) "What was that?Tonya what happened?" I hear voices but i cannot see anything. My body begins to fail and I begin to slowly fall to the grown. My hear drum feels like it is about to bust. "OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?"