One Direction Imagines

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                                          Long Imagine~ Sleep over with the boys.

You're sitting in your living room watching the new Hunger Games mmovie. You get up from the couch to go make popcorn. As you're putting the bag into the microwave you hear a faint knock. You squint your eyes at the door. Who would be knocking on your door at 10 at night?! You hear another knock, louder this time. You walk to the door and look through the peep hole. You see two of your best friends, Niall and Zayn standing there smiling. You step back and open the door. "Hey (Y/N)!" Niall and Zayn both say. "What are you doing here?" You ask with a laugh. "We were going to see if you'd want to come over to Louis' flat to sleepover. All the boys are there. Including Harry." Niall says with a wink/ You give him a slight shove on the shoulder. "So you coming?" Zayn asks. "Yeah! Let me just change clothes." You point to your pajamas and laugh. You rush to your closet putting on a white lace tank top with jean shorts. You wanted to look cute for Harry. You've always had a crush on him, but you never knew if he felt the same. You run back into the living room where you left Niall and Zayn. "Ready!" You say with a smile. "God dang (Y/N) you look GOOD!" Niall says. You blush.
You, Zayn, and Niall all ride together to Louis' flat. Niall opens the door for you to walk in. You see Louis and Liam sitting on the couch, Harry sitting on the floor. "Hey (Y/N)!" Liam says. Louis gets up from the couch and give you a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you could come!" Louis says. "OOOO Harry look whose here." Liam whispers, but you don't hear him over Louis' loud voice. You look down at Harry sitting on he floor and show him a shy smile. "Hey." You say to Harry, then sitting on the couch. "Hey." Harry says back softly. Liam and Zayn come sit on each side of you on the couch. "We should play a game!" Louis yells. You laugh. "What game??" Niall says. "What about truth or dare?!" Zayn says. You all agree. All of you get in a circle on the ground, Niall on your right, Zayn on your left and Harry sitting across from you. Harry had only said one word to you since you got there. You thought he didn't like you but you weren;t gonna let that one thought ruin your night. "Okay! (Y/N), truth or dare?!!" Louis asks. "Truth." You say. "No! Do a dare! You ALWAYS do truth!" Louis shouts. "Okay, fine. Dare." You say totally regretting it. "I dare you to go jump in the pool... naked." Louis says with a sly smile. "Nooo!!" You say. "You have to!" Louis says. You give them a dirty look. "Fine." You say snappy. They all laugh. You get up and walk to the back door, the boys following behind. "Well don't watch." You say. "We have to, to make sure you do it." Louis says, smirking. "You are so perverted Lou." You say running out the door. You stand there at the edge of the pool and look back at the boys standing there watching your every move. You look at the water, crystal clear with the moon light shinning perfectly on it. You start taking off your clothes and throw them to the side. You touch your foot to the water, it is really warm. You jump rigt on in. You come back up and see the boys standing above you. They start laughing. You splash them. "Oh no you didn't girl!!" Louis says. He starts taking his clothes off and throws them on to a chair. He jumps in right infront of you, splashing you right in the face. You laugh loudly. Niall, Zayn, and Liam follow behind Louis. "Come on Harry! Get in!" We all say. Harry sighs, he takes his clothes off. You try not to stare. You hope the boys didn't notice you were. Harry jumps in. You go under water and swim to the other side of the pool. Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam follow. Harry stays in the shallow end sitting on the step. "What's wrong with Hazza?" Louis asks. "I don't know." You says. "Maybe you should go talk to him (Y/N)." Liam says. You agree. You swim up to Harry. He looks up at you and give you a slight smile. "What's wrong babe?" You ask. There's a long pause before he decides to answer. He sighs. "Well (Y/N)I love you. I always have. You are beautiful in every way possible. I don't say much to you because I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and that you won't like me. I'm sorry." Harry says looking down. You lift his chin up and meet his eyes. "I love you too." You say with a smile. Harrys face lights up. He leans down, cupping your face in his hands, and gives you the most amazing kiss you both have ever had.     

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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