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      the large arena was jam packed with hundreds of thousands of screaming teenage girls

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the large arena was jam packed with hundreds of thousands of screaming teenage girls. of course, the odd parent or two were also scattered around in the sea of fangirls but the majority were definitely adolescent teens who were chanting the name of 'johnny orlando' as the projector screen, that was placed directly above the very long and high risen stage, played videos of the 17 year old pop star throughout the years on loop. in the front centre of the crowd, a girl with long curly brown locks of hair, tries to stay on her feet as the people around her begin to shove and pull. all of them trying their very best to reach the front barricade in hopes that just maybe, during his performance, johnny will reach down and touch their hands.

"people are so RUDE" mackenzie yells, making sure that the girl with a red pixie cut behind her heard every word.

the girl who looked like she was at-least in her late 30's, glared at the 16 year old and if looks could kill, mackenzie would be 6ft under right about now.

laughing the shoving off, mackenzies best friend maisy puts herself in the middle of mackenzie and their other best friend annie. a strong stench of alcohol flows from maisys mouth as she speaks.

"i-i love you guys" she smiles, drooling all over herself.

mackenzie and annie share a look of disgust. how the hell did maisy manage to get herself into this state already? it's only been an hour.

two familiar figures start to weave their way through the crowd and manage to make it back to their friends. mackenzie smiles at them upon arrival.

"you guys took your time" she giggles, taking a sip of her cola. a frustrated sigh from her friend brynn let's mackenzie know that something's bothering her but right now she has no choice other than to ignore it.

without warning, the lights turn off and the arena erupts in an echo of cheers, screams, and yelling. lots of yelling. a voice that they all recognise instantly yells out. "what's up LA" and before anyone knows what's happening, music from the boy they came to see starts to play through the loud speakers, the noise of his song almost drowns out the chants from the crowd. almost. the stage is soon covered with a red and white mist that has come from a fog machine. everyone that surrounds the stage are reaching their hands out to touch it.

"WE WANT JOHNNY" mackenzie hears her friend mandla scream from his place beside her. she laughs as people soon start joining the chant and soon enough a laugh is heard through a mic and everyone loses their shit.

mackenzie smiles widely as the countdown begins to play on the projector. this only makes the crowd more hyped. holding onto both annie and mandla's hands, mackenzie also jumps up and down, screaming like a school girl. she has waited so long for this night and it's finally here.

the countdown reaches 1 and then strobe lights start to blind the crowd. the lights flashing to the beat of the music. the roar from the crowd causes mackenzie to be quite intimidated but she shrugs it off, determined to enjoy this.

"I SEE HIM!" annie exclaims, clutching onto mackenzie as she squeals with excitement.

mackenzie scrunches her eyebrows together in an attempt to see past all the fog. she finally manages to and right enough, there he stands, wearing his only pair of black jeans and that horrible looking multi coloured gucci top that screams 'burn me'. johnny's looking down at the stage floor, he holds his mic in both hands, his foot tapping along to the intro of his recent song 'last summer'.

when it's seconds before he has to sing, johnny steps out into the centre of the stage, he puts the mic to his mouth and waits for his cue to start. when he does, everyone in the arena instantly begins to sing along with him. the atmosphere is indescribable and mackenzie knows that this will be a night she won't ever forget.

uh hiiii
my names aimee 🥰
enjoy this crappy shit show

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