Name: Setsuna saki
Nicknames: saki, or Sakura
Species: siren
Things to know about this species: kinda like the show siren
Age: 18
Birthday:???(talk to him)
Gender: male
Sexuality: pan
Personality: curious about everything and not afraid to take what he wants
Mental disorders: anxiety, ptss
Looks: (picture at top
Clothing style: casual
Scars\tattoos:scar around his neck like a ring and one on his arm
Background:(talk to get
Likes: learning new things, being with people, cuddling
Dislikes: abuse, fighting,
Height: 5,2.5
Favorite color: turquoise
Fears: cliffs, spiders, weapons, and abusive people
Fun fact: the scars the have are from getting caught in a fisherman's net and they tried to put him down
Weakness: (talk to him)