Chapter 1

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Tears rolled down your cheeks as you took small steps, walking in the rain. You were distraught. Your once so perfect life had now become this trash. The heavy rain drenched you head to toe but you didn't care. Your mind was occupied enough to worry about being wet. You sat down on the park bench crying your heart out. Why were you crying? Because your whole life had been turned upside down. 

Two years ago, you lived a luxury life as the daughter of the CEO of one most popular electronics company. Your parents were rich... and so were you. You had anything, everything you wanted. You were that stereotypical rich, beautiful spoilt child. But now... you were the daughter of CEO who's company had a downfall. They were now off the market.

... [Flashback] ...

"Nami... you know we don't want to do this. It hurts our pride as much as it hurts yours. But it's already decided. You're going to work as a maid in a richer household. There you'll have a home and you'll have a job. They'll feed you there and you'll be safe," your mum told you. You were angry. Why were you being forced to be a maid? The difference in class shocked you and you didn't want to do this. 

"DAD! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DID YOUR JOB BETTER, THEN WE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS!" you screamed at your dad. Being the selfish person you were, you didn't think of your family but yourself. Storming out the house, you ran to the park in the rain and sat on the park bench.

You were crying so hard that your throat started to hurt. Your eyes stung and you started sneezing uncontrollably. But you didn't care. As you were crying, you suddenly saw someone's hand by you handing you a black umbrella. You looked up to try and see the stranger but you only caught a glimpse before he turned around and ran off getting wet in the rain. He gave up his umbrella for you when you don't even know his name. You were thankful to the stranger and after erecting his umbrella, you headed home accepting you new life.

 (A/N : Please leave comments and click the button with yellow star on it. Arasso? and watch out! there may be some wrong spellings and grammars. Yehet!)

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