Like I Love You (A Cody Simpson Love Story)

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Hey prettys , hope you guys alll enjoy.

Deds to this pretty gilr because she's amazing!

anyways enjoy . and if this is not supported enough it may be deleted.

love you all. xx

The closer i got to the door , the faster my heart beat against my chest. My emotions were on a high unsure of what to think really. I pushed my brown waves to one side , making sure it was still in place. i straightened out my red dress making sure there were no crinkles in it. i Looked down at my shoes. Were they to high? They were weren't they? I couldn't change them now , and now everyone going to judge me and...... I was loosing it. And loosing it badly. Who cares what they think , i'm my own person. That still dosen't matter, you get judged before actually being judged. If that even makes sense. i chewed on my lip , still making my way very slowly to the door. I tell you a snail could of beaten me. i touched my necklace, running my fingers over the small diamond's on the star. It was my lucky charm, but today i don't think it was working for me. Nothing was. But it was just a party! a plain old party. But it's not just that , it's my first party as 'Hazel Walker the Celebrity'. I guess you could say that. But even if i was classified as a celeb , i still felt the same. Nothing changed, except for the fact that I'm in a whole new country. That didn't change anything, i was still Hazel Walker. Just an average girl who grow up in a small town in London. I already missed my friends and family, Gahh i was thinking to much. I just need , something or someone to calm me. I wish Casey was here, She'd tell me what to do, She'd help me. but she's not, it's just me, myself and those two huge doors waiting to be open. The sounds of my heels clicking on the pavement came to a sudden stop. And i looked up.

There were to black doors there, you could hear the music pump from a mile away. You could hear the screams of the paparazzi for photos. I looked down at the ground, the looked at the doors. I don't know why i felt so scared but i was. This was so silly though! i don't even know.... ugh. I just couldn't pull those doors open, but i wanted to.

"They Know , They Know They know". Headlines By Drake, blasted through my phone. Searching for it in my purse i answered.

"Hello"? I asked not bothering to look at the caller Id.

"Your standing outside arn't you". Casey's voice rung through my ear, i was so glad to hear form her-Wait how'd she know.

"No"... I tried to lie, but to face the fact i'm not great at it. " Can't you hear the music". I said raising my phone up. Hoping she'll believe it, but with my luck she won't.

"I'm not stupid your outside the party". told you. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes alright i am , But what do you want me to say case"? i said sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Is that a stupid question." she paused for a moment. "  GET THE FUCK IN THERE". She yelled through my ear making me pull away , as her voice rung over and over in my head. I heard her soft chuckle coming from the other end obviously aware of what she had just done.

"Thanks captain obvious". You could hear the sarcasm drip from my voice.

"Well'? She said obviously knowing i still wasn't in there.

"What if he's in there". I said getting to the point.

" Omg Hazey , Who cares. I bet you he has a lot to say for the one who walked away"-.

"Hey don't use You Me At Six's Lyrics on me". I said cutting her off as we both chuckled. " You don't even go there". I said as she laughed louder through the phone.

"Alright alright, but it's true hazey! Look, You didn't fly out there to miss your first party as a celeb.  It's your time, go have fun who cares." In a way she was right , but who cares? Me i care and i care alot.No matter what he had done, i cared. As much as i tried to push it away it wasn't going away. And i know if i see him tonight, it probably will never go away. but right now, i need to go with the flow. I need to take a breath. Casey's right. It's my time.

"Thanks case". I said, hanging up. The wind blew past making me shiver. i fixed up my wavy hair, and smoothed out my dress. I looked at my eyes, making sure there was no mascara in my blue orbs. i put it away and sighed. I walked towards it, my heart beating faster, my palms sweating.

"They Know , They Know , They Know". My ring tone made me jump back as i reached for my phone again.

"Hello"? i asked, like i did before.

"Your still outside arn't you". I could tell Casey was rolling her eyes at this moment, i shook my head chuckling.

"Give me a chance to open the door would you". I said hanging up and throwing it in my purse. Laughing and shaking my head, my hand gripped the door. It was shaking from nerves as i pulled it open. Bright lights almost blinding me , as i squinted my blue eyes together , adjusting them to the light. As soon as my vision was back i sighed.

"HAZEL""HAZEL""HAZEL". The shouting began, it overwhelmed me so much by this. I went down the line as the paps took pictures of me. the adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I took some photos with people i just met, which was alright. It wasn't so bad, i was still nervous in a way. But casey was right.

"Hazel Over here Over here". And i went down the line being interviewed. Being asked, some of the most craziest stuff ever. Some made me giggle. And some i actually had to think. After an hour, i was finally walking around the party.

It was so strange, being here with some of the biggest stars, let alone been calling one.

"Hey how are you". A husky voice popped from no where. spinning around, i looked up into light blues eye that smiled at me. "I'm Jake". He said putting his hand out. I blushed deeply.

"Hi, I'm Hazel". I Said taking his hand in mine.

"It's nice to met such a stunner". He said so smoothly as he ran his fingers through his blond locks. I just smiled. I wasn't to good with the whole socializing thing, i was as shy as a rabbit. And i felt even more insecure with his height, i was such a short as! I always felt so little even with heels, for once i wanted to be tall. Sometimes boys heights intimidate me.

"wish i could say the same". I said winking, he let out a deep chuckle.

'From that sweet accent i can tell your..... British"? He asked, i just smirked and nodded.

"And your Australian"? I asked and he almost look taken back, as if surprised. But he smiled and nodded.I don't know what i was so scared about, honestly. I was overreacting. And for what?

"Will a pretty girl like say for instance you. Give me their number"? He said rocking back and forth on his heels. I just chuckled.

"I don't know go tell me, when you find a pretty girl". I said grabbing my drink and walking off. He grabbed my arm and spun my around as he chuckled at me.

"Two can play at this game". He said kissing my cheek. I just shook my head.

"Oh ye-" I was cut off by a voice, to familiar.

"Jake buddy, Cam's looking for ya". I heard it say, but i didn't bother looking, As Jake was still smirking at me, he stirred his drink around.

"Well , tell him to come find me then". He said chuckling at his own joke, i just shook my head.

"No Jake- Wow Hazel"? I knew it, it was him. I knew that voice it was just to familiar. "Is that you"?  He asked again. I gulped as my heart beat faster and faster. I looked down, at their shoes. I could already tell who was who, looking up a bit more to see his faded skinny jeans, and his black blazer with a white top. I looked up a little more and his eyes locked with mine. I was memorized with his deep aqua eyes not deep as in dark but deep as in i could see the emotion in them.

I could still feel the love in them, the missing, the longing..... the love.

"Do you guys know each other". Jake was the first to speak into the silence.

"Yeah we went-"

"We met at one of his concerts , Just hung out for abit". I said smiling at Jake. I looked at Cody, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This is what i wanted, i wanted him to feel upset, to feel confused. Just to feel something.

"Hazel that's not what-".

"Nice seeing you again Cody, See you around Jake". I said cutting Cody off once again and handing Jake a piece of paper with my number on it. I winked at him as he chuckled as I  walked off.

Did that really just happen?

Ugh Cody.... flipping......Simpson!

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