The beginning

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"Ughhhhh so early"
You groaned in annoyance and threw a pillow at your alarm clock successfully silencing it.
"Five more minutes"
You nestled into your covers for a little more warmth but it was cut short by your guardian barging in and opening up the curtains.
"Y/N Wake up or you're walking to school!"
"Aizawaaaaaaaaa just let me sleep for a few more minutes"
The room fell silent leaving you to believe your wish had been granted but that obviously wasn't the case when you felt your comforter being ripped from your body. Yes you lived with pro hero EraserHead and believe it or not this was the morning routine for you and Aizawa. You'd sleep in late and he'd get pissed and force you out of bed. Today was a little different though because today was your first day at UA! Upon that realization you bolted out of bed and got ready as fast as possible running past Aizawa on the way out.
"Hurry up we're gonna be late!"
"Oh so now you wanna hurry?"
As he watched you sprint to the car he mumbled under his breath "What am i gonna do with that girl...i hope today goes smoothly"
Upon reaching campus Aizawa parked his car and before you could bolt out of it he locked the doors.
"Hey! Let me out" you yelled in aggravation at his attempt to keep you trapped.
"Listen for a second and i will"
You stopped pulling at the door handle and looked at him.
*sigh* "Look Y/N i know you're excited but just...promise me to be careful. No talking about our relationship or your parents or yo-"
"My quirk" you interrupted
"I know"
It's not that no one could know what your quirk was. In fact you loved showing it off and talking about it it's just that no one could ever know where it came from and how powerful it could really be. To the world they'd see you had a fire quirk. Fire beast taming is what you called it. You could manipulate fire in a way to form any living creature or "beasts" if you will. From a humming bird to a dragon you could make it all out of fire. Pretty impressive by itself but the raw power you held below the surface could make some pros shake in their boots.
Another sigh snapped you from your thoughts and turned your gaze towards Aizawa again.
And then you heard the door click.
"Alright go ahead" he said with a  small smile and you smiled even wider as a response before jumping out of his car and running to the gates of UA. You were in awe. This is what you had always dreamed of. This was the start of your road to becoming a hero. Your thoughts were soon interrupted by a nudge to your shoulder. When you looked to see who you'd bumped into you were greeted with an unforgiving glare from a pair of blood red eyes. If looks could kill you'd be long dead.
"Watch where you're going extra." And just like that he huffed in annoyance and kept walking. It took you a second to realize what had happened. "Extra...extr- hey who do you think you're talking to!?" He looked back at you with a smirk and continued on his way leaving you steaming with anger.
Aizawa had been watching the whole time and sighed again in defeat.
"Today is going to be a long day."

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