Today is Kiel's birthday. He's thirteen, and he acts like it.
"Happy birthday," says Owen.
"Happy birthday," says Bethany.
"Happy birthday," says Charm.
"Happy birthday," says Gwen.
"Happy birthday," says Orion.Kiel smiles. He loves his friends! They stand cheerfully in Kiel's yard. Orion and Bethany brought a pinata. They are going to have so much fun beating up a pinata!
"Let's go in birthday order," suggests Orion, because his birthday is next. "That way Kiel goes first."
Everyone gets in line without arguing. This surprises Kiel. Kara had the birthday before him. So why isn't she upset that she's last?
Wait! Is she not upset because it's his birthday, and she knows Kiel doesn't like it when people argue on his birthday? That's so nice!
Kiel smiles again. He loves his friends! He picks up the baseball bat Owen brought and starts to swing.
"Wait!" Gwen says, "you forgot to put on your blindfold!"
Oops! Kiel remembers he's supposed to be wearing a blindfold. He picks it up and ties it on without any help because he is thirteen and talented. Kiel picks up the baseball bat and starts to swing. He hears someone shout. His friends must be cheering for him!
Kiel smiles. He loves his friends! He holds the baseball bat tightly, then swings.
Kiel feels surprised! He drops the baseball bat and unties the blindfold.
"You didn't tell me it has sound effects," says Kiel. Then he realizes he is facing the wrong way. Instead of facing the pinata (which somehow dodged his swing) he is facing his friends.Owen is clutching his face and shouting. Kiel was wrong. Owen is the sound effects! That's so nice. Kiel smiles. He loves his-
"Are you okay, dude?" Orion asks. "Bethany, go get a bag of ice and some tissues!"
Bethany listens to her brother. She runs into Kiel's house. Not literally, of course. That would be silly. She actually just uses the door.
Orion makes Owen sit on the ground. Gwen sits too, but she wiggles and wiggles and wiggles because she is upset. Charm is upset too. She is frowning at Kiel.
"UM???" Charm demands.
"Um..." says Kiel, suddenly feeling very wiggly under her glaring glare.He looks at Owen because he is not angry at him and isn't scary either.
Orion makes Owen put his hands down. Kiel gasps. Suddenly, looking at Owen is scary, because Owen's nose is bleeding!
Kiel looks at the baseball bat on the ground. Kiel looks at the tiny red spots on it. Kiel looks back at Owen. Kiel does not look at Charm.
"Are you okay, Owen?" Kiel asks, but Owen does not answer because Bethany is back outside and shoving a plastic bag of ice in his face.
When Bethany is done shoving ice in Owen's face, she stands back up and shakes her head at Kiel.
"If it wasn't your birthday," Bethany says, "I would call you an oblivious dummy because you are one."
"It might not be my birthday," admits Kiel. "I just decided today is my birthday because it is International Dragon Day. I don't know when my real birthday is because I am a clone."
Bethany nods. "In that case- you oblivious dummy! Why did you hit Owen in the face with his own baseball bat?!"
"Because I'm an oblivious dummy and forgot to turn around."
Orion narrows his eyes at Kiel from the ground.
"It's not his fault," mumbles Owen, slightly muffled under the tissues on his nose. "The author was bored."
"He's delirious!" Cries Gwen, jumping to her feet. "Charm, you should call-"
"He's fine," says Bethany. "He breaks the fourth wall all the time. It's like his hobby."
Charm sighs. "It's just a nosebleed. He can get over it."
(Kiel hopes this means Charm isn't mad at him anymore, but he's wrong.)
"Uh, excuse me," Owen complains, grumpily looking up at them from the ground. "Nosebleeds are a big deal. Percy Jackson had a nosebleed that unleashed an apocalypse-"
Suddenly, the yard flashes and everyone moves and talks backward really fast...
Today is Kiel's birthday. He's thirteen, and he acts like it.
"Happy birthday," says Owen.
"Happy birthday," says Bethany.
"Happy birthday," says Charm.
"Happy birthday," says Gwen.
"Happy birthday," says Orion.
"Happy birthday!" Kara says.Hey, wait...
Charm blinks in surprise before frowning at Kara. "Did you travel backward in time just so you wouldn't feel awkward for being late?"
"Hey, it's not fair for you to blame me every time you get dizzy," Kara says, pouting.
"I'm dizzy too," says Kiel.
"You're dehydrated," Kara decides.
"I'm not dehydrated," says Gwen, "and I'm dizzy."
"Okay, I might have time traveled. Will. Am." She shrugs, then smiles at Owen. "You're welcome!"
"Wait, why-"
"Time traveling shouldn't solve all your problems," Orion points out.
"It solved Owen's," Kara says, which makes the situation more confusing and concerning. "And it's not like any of you had a character arc or anything.""Thanks for coming, Kara," Kiel says, opting to move on with his party. We were about to-" Kiel stops talking, surprised. The pinata is missing!
"Eat cake? Great idea!" Kara beams before running into Kiel's house. Not literally, of course. That would be silly. She actually just uses the door.And everyone follows because sometimes cake is just too tempting.
Happy birthday!
FanfictionPlease don't take this seriously, I wrote it this way on purpose. Happy birthday, Kiel!