Over And Over

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I'm laying here next to you
This empty space between us.
It echoes, reminding me
You will never be mine

I love you with all my heart
When I look at you the world stops
Your face, heaven. But your love? tainted.
When you wrap your arms around me
I am so safe
When you say my name
I'm in my sweet place

My heart hurts when you say "I love you"
Because you will never say it to me
What makes her so special?
What's wrong with me?
You lead me on and say those things
Crush my feelings and push me over.
Heart like a house, foreclosure
Cold and lonely.

Over and over
Over and over
Over. And. Over.

You grab me when no one is looking
You have a girlfriend
Why are you doing this to me
You know what this does
You know how I feel
And all I can think is
"Why me?"

Why me?

Because I would rather die
than suffer through your torture
But at the same time I'm so trapped
I could never make you stop

I can't just leave you behind
I can't try to forget
I can't run away for the better
Because I love you too much
I'll do anything for you
But why?
Do you deserve it?
Do I deserve you?
What have I done in my life
To cause the one I love to Slowly be stripped away from my hands
Day by day.

Over and over
Over and over
Over. And. Over.

My heart is utterly shattered
My brain is surely scattered
Scattered on the wall
In the shape of a shotgun head blow
But no!
I could never
I love you so much!
I could never let go
You take advantage of me
And play with my heart
But I love you.
I keep loving you

Over and over
Over and over
Over. And. Over.

Your curiosity is powerful
I understand
No really
My hands are raw
I'm tired of fighting for you
But I will never stop
Because you are the one for me

Let me have you baby
Let me show you I can
Let me prove who I am
I want to take care of you
I love you.
I would do anything you want

Over and over
Over and over
Over. And. Over.

You've already crossed boundaries
You've already done damage
She doesn't know, you're not telling her.
You've hurt her behind her back.

Maybe she'll understand
Understand what it feels like
Understand how I function
How I struggle every day
Because she took him away from me
After I asked otherwise.
I hope you cry as much as I do.

Over and over
Over and over
Just like I do

I'll never be free from this demon.
I can never be let loose
Legs and arms tied up in your words
My face stuck on your beautiful blue eyes
As you stare into my face and talk
I get lost in a dreamy adventure
When you smile everything is brighter

I hope you see
See what you've done
Pushed away the girl that loved you
Because you were more worried
About wasting my time
I hope you're happy with yourself

I hope you're happy
No really
I hope you're happier than I am
I will always hope you're happy

Over. And. Over.
I will love you
Over. And. Over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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