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Alexis' pov:

I sat on the ground in my room, crying my eyes out, I had no one again, I was all alone again.... But it was worth for their safety, I know the pack will keep them safe even if it has been twenty-five years they haven't heard from me.

I held my sobs as an angry knock was heard on my door, I knew it was Cain, he had noticed the kids were gone but all that was to come was worth every second of pain he might inflict on me if I know he can't touch them ever again.

"Say hi to your grandparents for me." I whispered thinking of Max's parents they will most likely meet, thinking off her just made me cry more as I cut the link between my children and I as he broke the door down, blowing like a bull as I closed my eyes with a small smile when I saw him raise his fist.... Good luck Quinn...... I love you all.... So so so much....

Quinn's pov:

I ran day and night since I didn't need sleep, the twins did because they were growing still, they'd stop needing sleep at ten years, I have been eighteen for two years now so I'm technically twenty years old but prefer saying I'm eighteen since I stopped ageing at eighteen, I was made five years after mom lost it all.

I bit my lip thinking of her, she was my little sun in this hell of a castle my father had, she tried to make our lives normal, she loved us despite how we were created, I could never forget her.... I promise mom, I will kill father and free you from your cage of suffering even if it means dying myself....

I stopped running when I arrived near a town after the second week of constant running, I didn't sleep but I'd need to go in that sleep state soon to regain my strength or I'll drop, I was only really twenty while my mom was over 5000 years old with my father too so both could go much longer times then I could without needing the sleep state.

I walked over to a gate.

"The Reserve." I read what was written on it out loud and looking around, jumped over it like mom did too as she told me in her stories she told us at night.

I was soon surrounded by wolves and hissed at them, hugging my scared siblings.

"I don't mean you harm! Please!" I yelled so they heard me over their growling with fear in my eyes. "My mother sent us here.... Saying we'd be safe."

"What's going on here?" I look and saw a brown haired girl looking my age walking over and freezing when our gazes met. "What's your name?" She quickly asked, seeming lost.

"Quinn and this is Anna and Mike."

"Your last name come on!" She half yelled.

"Thunder." I said backing away as I saw the wolves and the girl look at each other in confusion and surprise as they talked through a mind link before the girl walked closer.

"I am the alpha of this pack and welcome you here, your mom was and still is an important person in our lives." I followed her as my siblings stood on their own but held my hand as we walked through the wolves.

"I know, she told me stories of this place and what happened, my siblings wear the names of two friends of her's."

"Yeah Mike and Anna had died the day she left to go with that murderer."

"You do know she left to keep this pack safe right?" She looked at me strangely, she didn't know? She is the alpha!

"What?" She seemed saddened.

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