A love note - Merome One-Shot

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A/N: I absolutely had to do this XD


Mitch's P.O.V:

How do you tell your best friend that you loved them? In my case, him. So I'm gay. Sue me. I can't help who I fell in love with.

Should I just tell him? No, I'm way to chicken to do that. I have a hard enough time making eye contact without getting lost.

I smiled to myself, pulling out a piece of paper. I always liked writing little notes about how I felt towards Jerome. I never gave them to him, of course. They're all in a shoebox beneath my bed. It's a total mess of clothes and garbage under there, neither Jerome or my family would ever find the box, or care to look under there anyway.

I began to write a letter, about a page long, actually. I made my handwriting nice and neat, making sure not to smudge any of the pencil. This was because this was the letter I was gonna give to Jerome. There he was, right beside me with his head bent over his work.

Technically, we were supposed to be working on a worksheet of math problems, but this was way more important than the calculations I had to do.  Once I was finished the letter, I read it over, my heart thumping heavily and I shakily held it out to Jerome. He didn't notice it on time, and our teacher caught me.

"Mr. Hughes! What do you think you're doing? Cheating?" She barked, catching everyone's attention, including Jerome's. I flushed bright red.

"No, I'm not cheating, ma'am. It's just something really important that I had to give to Jerome." I stated.

"Oh, so it's a note? Come up here and read it then." she challenged. I bit my lip. This... could be an opportunity to tell Jerome, I guess. So I stood up, trudging up to the front of the room as she made any note-passer do. I turned and faced the class before looking Jerome dead in the eye before I began to read.

"Jerome, my biggums." I began. "You're sitting there, completely oblivious to the person beside you, who loves you more than the world. I guess you can't hear how hard my heart is pounding, because you're working so hard. You always put so much effort into everything you do." I smiled. "I know I have my faults, biggums, like how much I eat when I'm at your house." Jerome giggled at this. "Or how I always go hardcore in the deathmatches with you in the hunger deens, and almost never let you win." Jerome smirked. "But you still call me your biggums. You never get mad at me for anything. In fact, all these little arguments we've had, I've been the one to start them over ridiculous reasons. You've never tried to hurt me in any way. And that's just one of the reasons I love you. So... I'm just hoping that maybe you love me too? I promise never to let you down, to love you unconditionally, forever. I promise to make you feel as loved as you deserve, Jerome. I love you." I folded the note, handing it to my teacher with a smile. The entire class was speechless, but Jerome still got up, running to me and hugging me tightly. Was he crying?

"I love you too, Mitch. I really do." He sniffed, burying his head in my neck. I couldn't have smiled any bigger than I was, holding my biggums. I didn't care that our classmates were staring. All that mattered was me and Jerome.

And I couldn't believe it, as slowly, the class erupted with clapping, and congratulations. I guess it was obvious to everyone but Jerome that I was in love. And that I had a future, with my biggums.

The end.


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