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Sorry For The Long Wait I Had Writers Block Sorry T_T😔

We landed in Korea, and I expected this. I was surrounded by pale faces. Some kept looking at me, while some reporters walled over to us. I rose my eyebrow at Kaito.

He pulled me closer to him, hiding my face in his chest, as we walked out of the airport and in a car.

"Can I move now?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Won't be a mistress my ass" I muttered.

"Stop," He said. "I did that to protect you, do you want your face plastered all over Korea," he asked.

"If its to show that you're mine why not?" I argued.

"I already told you, you're mine and I'm yours no one can change that. I'll fight for you until the end of this earth, I just know what my father is like he'll hurt you, Desiree, I won't say some cheesy shit like I'll always protect you because as much as I hate it I won't always be by your side they'll be times when I'm at work and you're at home, what if u run off again without telling me where you are I can't protect you if you're not with me. I love you so much, Desiree I won't let my family destroy what we have. I breathe because of you, I'm alive because of you. God may have given me life but it was torture until I met you It was torture until I found you. I lived on because of you"

''That's all I want to hear'' I leaned towards him and kiss his lips. I looked in front of us in the mirror seeing the driver looking at us. I gripped his hair tightly pulling him closer to me.

After about 30 minutes we pulled up to a big modern style mansion.

He opened the door and held out his hands for me, I held onto his hands, suddenly I felt a bit nervous, and I know myself I am never nervous

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He opened the door and held out his hands for me, I held onto his hands, suddenly I felt a bit nervous, and I know myself I am never nervous. I stepped out of the car and walked alongside him.

''Don't worry, I got you'' Kai said holding my hand tightly.

I squeezed his hands gently and walk alongside him.

We walked inside the house, inside was huge the ceiling was so tall, The room was pure white along with modern furniture, We walked along a narrow hall and into a large room, and all eyes were on us. They were all beautiful, all 3 of them.

"Is that her?" one of the females asked, "She's so dark"

"And beautiful" Kaito
I folded my fist tightly, I felt Kaito gently held onto my hand, rubbing his thumb along the space of my wrist.

"This is my Fiancé" Kaito introduced, "Desi, this is my Step Mother Yukio, my two sisters Yuna and Yula"

I stared up at him, shocked, when did this happen I wondered.

"Fiancé," his stepmother said, "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HER? AND LOOK AT HER SKIN ITS SO DIRTY" She wrinkled her nose. ''And what about Mei, wait until your father hears about this''

I bit down on my lower lip drawing blood, I was agitated this lady doesn't know me and yet she's tryna come for me.

"Ok. I been knew her before you guys, so don't start with that bullshit" Kaito replied, Don't patronize me Yukio, She's my fiance. I don't care what you think about her I love her, I don't love Mei, I've thought about this long and hard and I've made my decision''

His mother gasped, as she looked at him in surprise, I looked at him gently, I squeezed his hands softly. He took my hand in his and tugged me along the spiral staircase, and into the room at the end of the hall.

''So I'm your fiancé now'' I questioned teasingly.

He sat on the bed and lay back with his hands folded under his head. I walked over to him and sat on his lap leaning over him as I kissed his forehead his cheeks and finally his lips.

''I was planning to tell you Mei and I broke off the engagement, but our Fathers won't allow it, I'm sorry you found out like that all in fairness I wanted to take you out on a date to this place I found when I was younger, it's beautiful full of sunflower flowers, its like a meadow. I wanted to propose to you there.'' He said, looking in my eyes.

''Well you can still do that let's do it'' I replied, hugging him as I leaned down on him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

We fell asleep in each other's arms. I felt at peace in Kaito's arm. It was like a safe haven for me.  When we woke up it was dark, I got on top of him and lay down on his chest. His family is fucking irritating, they fucking pissed me off earlier.

A murderous urge erupted from inside me but I pushed it away. I hate his his family. I felt Her trying to come out. I forgot to take my pills.

We went downstairs seeing them having dinner, only 4 plates were set.

"Kaito, your father is not coming home for dinner. But he will talk to you tomorrow about your engagement with Mei." The witch said as she continued, "now take your seat here and have your dinner."

Kaito looked at her then at the table.

"Where is Desi's  dinner?", Kaito asked her.

"Oh, her? We only got four serving for dinner. She can get a takeaway." She smiled yet her eyes are cold.

"Desi can have mine," Kaito said with a commanding tone.

"See, this is why men can't see fake girls with ugly heart" Yuna whispered to Yula in a not so obvious tone.

Yula giggled out loud as she looked at me with condemning gaze.

A shiver ran down my spine as I felt their sickening was sickening.

"Some people just want to be a phoenix flying on a jade branch, when they are just pigeons with an ugly appearance", Yuna said as she glanced my way, as Yula whispered ''Whore''

I stepped towards her I swear I was gonna punch her right in the face I swear to god but Kaito held onto my waist tightly.

"It's not worth it" he whispered in my ear, I bit my inner cheek. I was fucking fuming like they don't fucking know me yet they wanna assume shit.

"We're leaving, we'll be staying stay at a hotel," Kaito said, looking at them with his deadly gaze.

''But Kai'' Yuna said, softly walking over towards us.

''Don't come near me Yuna, and don't call me that'' Kaito spat out.

He took me by the hands and dragged me upstairs, he grabbed our suitcase and we left the house.

We arrived at a really big hotel, he checked us in under a different name and we got to our room.

''I'm sorry Desi'' Kaito apologized, ''I shouldn't have even brought you there, they are fucking bitter all of them, I hated how they treat you, it fucking pissed me off.''

''It's okay'' I mumbled, ''I'm trynna get over it.''

''Lets order room service for you, I have to leave for a bit I'll be back, soon'' Kaito said, kissing me on the cheek. ''Order whatever you want''

''Desi?'' Kaito said.

''Yeah?'' I replied as I put my hair in a high puff.

''I love you.'' He said.

''I love you too'' I replied.

He kissed my forehead and stepped out.

After he left room service came, so I ate my dinner and laid down on the bed.

We just got him back we can't let them take him away from us you know what we have to do it right?


After that, I blacked out.

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