Akatstuki fanfiction

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                                          You awake to a horrifying bang at your window,

  As you panic, lifting yourself up from your bed, a bead of sweat slowly rolls down your cheek as you carefully turn your gaze towards the area of the sound, hoping it had just been a dream, you take a calming, deep breath reassuring yourself it had just been your imagination, you force yourself to relax, leaning back. Closing your eyes as you begin to willfully relax. As the eerie sound of a window creaking open, you panic, opening your eyes. You calm yourself as you push your body up, sitting up as you look at the window. You sigh, trying to keep your cool. You decide to carefully check the window. You gently move from your bedd, standing up. Your mind races as you hear heavy, raspy breathing. You reach into your night stand next to your bed, grabbing a Kunai for safety, you continue walking toward the window, getting more and more nervous after every step. As you pause for a moment, you begin to see the drapes move. Your heart begins to pound as your hands shake. You reassure your courage as you grab the Kunai with both hands, running towards the drapes, as you reach them, you quickly stab. You open your eyes as you look, seeing not a theif, nor murderer, you blink as you see your brother holding back the Kunai from stabbing him, as if it was nothing. He looks at you, as you release the Kunai, calming down, he sighs, looking at the Kunai. "Isn't it a bit dangerous to be swinging this thing around?", he says smugly. You look at him worried that you may have hurt him. He simply rubs your head, "Go back to sleep, you'll get grounded if you're up this late," he says walking away from the window, as he quickly exits the room. You stood there, rationalizing everything, you calmed down and took a breath, as you realized, your brother hadn't ever had a raspy voce, nor breathing... Your eyes widen as you look around your room, looking for the unexplained breathing. You look back at the window, as you are sidetracked by a very tall man, standing on the corner of the street, something about this man calls out to you, you look closer as you open the window slightly, the man turns back at you, hearing the window open. You panic as you return his stare. You quickly jump as a flash of lightning streaks across the sky, you blink and look back down, realizing the man is no longer there. As your mind races, you think to yourself for a moent, trying to rationalize everything that had just happened. Why was your brother up so late? Why was he at your window? Who was the strange man returning your stare? You closed your eyes, trying to cal your mind. As your mind began to go blank, you felt a hand against your back, you opened your eyes as you realized, you were being shoved, as you looked back up at your window, you saw your brother, he watched emotionlessly as you fell. As your mind raced, you quickly grabbed onto a tree limb, hitting you in the stomach harshly as you gasped for air, clenching to the branch as you wondered to yourself. "Why.....?", you opened your eyes as you began to get on the tree limb. As you calmed a bit, realizing you couldn't stop now, you stood up, looking up at the window as your brother was quick to hop down onto the tree branch from the window, you looked at him in a bit of fear of why this was happening. He pulled out a Kunai as he charged at you. You quickly moved to the side as you grabbed his arm, looking in his eyes, seeing the pure hatred in his eyes. You realized this wasn't a game. You  quickly pick pocketed him Kunai pouch, managing to grab a few Kunai, jumping back quickly. You began to shake, knowing that you have to give it your all to fight him.  He charged at you once more, catching you off guard as he knocked you to the ground, he managed to stab your arm, you screamed out in pain. Not even thinking, you managed to stab him as well, landing the Kunai in the center or his back, he flinched a bit as he attempted to pull away. You thrusted the Kunai down deeper, as you began to  pull it backwards, leaving a gash in his back as he pulled away. Your breath turned heavy as you looked at your arm, seeing the blood pouring from it, your eyes widened as you looked back at your brother. You held the Kunai up as you were the one to begin  charging at him. He simply put his hand out, letting you stab through his hand, but blocking the area you had aimed for. He quickly took a Kunai from his pouch, before you could even stop him, he had stabbed you in the shoulder, you tried to pull away, but he only pulled you closer, digging the Kunai down as he ripped it forward, you looked in horror as your shoulder had torn almost completely apart. You then shoved the Kunai deeper into his hand, then quickly ripping it away as you began to turn tail, running. You grabbed your shoulder as you continued to run. You looked behind you, as your brother had landed a punch into the center of your back, knocking the breath out of your lungs as you fell to the ground, spitting up blood as you quickly scrambled to get back to your feet. You stood up as your brother threw both a Kunai and paper bomb at you. You quickly moved as it had hit straight onto a tree, it exploded as you were blown back a bit. Standing back up, you wiped the blood from your mouth, looking at your brother as you charged at him with the Kunai, he quickly blocked it with his Kunai, grabbing your injured shoulder, he twisted. You screamed as something in you from the pain snapped, you unwillingly swung the Kunai, Managing to stab your brother in the chest, his eyes showed a bit of shock that you had hit him that easily. You jumped back as you took a deep breath. Your brother reached behind him, pulling out a Katana. Your eyes widened as you realized it was over, you were going to die. You dropped the Kunai, falling to your knees as you watched him unsheath the Katana. He charged at you quickly as you thought to yourself, "No.... Not yet...", you opened your eyes as you threw yourself towards your brother, pick pocketing him, as you managed the dodge the sword, you quickly took a few paper bombs as you attached them the Kunai, throwing them at him, he dodged as they all exploded, lighting both trees and homes up in flames. The fire quickly spread as you began to hear shrieks of frightened families, you looked back at your brother as the village began to become engulfed in flames. He charged at you as he managed to stab you in the side. You looked down as your eyes quivered. You thought for a moment, "I can't.... Die here...", you thought in your head as you grabbed your last remaining Kunai, stabbing your brothers hands, as he was forced to release the Katana. You jumped back once more, farther away, as you begin to cough up blood, you bit your tongue as you carefully, yet quickly pulled the Katana out, breathing heavily as you grasped the handle, you looked at your brother, he began to charge at you quickly. You began to charge at him as well, closing your eyes in pure fear, you opened your eyes as you looked in front of you. You saw your brother throw up a large ammount of blood, as he looked down at you and smiled, somewhat calmingly. Your eyes quivered as you looked at his calm eyes, he put his hand on your chin, smiling. He tilted your head up as he calmly and quiet said, reassuring you not to cry, "(Y/n), be good.", he spoke as he kissed your forehead, before falling to the ground. Your eyes watered uncontrolably, you looked down at his lifeless body as you realized what you had done. You shivered in fear as you looked around at the fire engulfing the village, you screamed in pain as you reached to wipe the stream of tears from your eyes, a man grabs your hand, looking down at you, with a blank expression. You  began to shiver worse in fear, as the man looked into your eyes, "Do you wish to escape this...?", you look at the man as you slowly nod. The man closes his eyes as your vision begins to blur, all you remember is looking at the man as you threw up a small amount of blood. You awoke the following day as you slowly opened your eyes, forgetting what had happened for a moment, as it then quickly clouded your mind, you shoved yourself upright, looking around as you began to panic. Where were you? How did you get there? Why were you even alive...? Your mind was racing, you began to feel sick at your stomach at what you had done, your throat began to hurt from the urge to scream. As you tightly shut your eyes, gripping your chest, you felt something brush against your back. You gasped lightly as you turned your head. Your eyes widened, as  you flailed a bit, scrambling as you moved away, only falling to the ground the second you tried to stand. You turned your head back towards the figure you had seen. Your heart skips a beat as you get a better look at the figure. As you scream at the top of your lungs, "Who are you?!?", the man jumps back a bit. "S-SORRY!". Your eyes widen as you hear the apology, as you calmly ask "Why... Why did you bring me here...?", the man pokes his fingers together for a moment, as he then rubs his neck a bit. 'You....... You looked to pretty to be left in a situation like that..?", you, completely confused at the mans words, look at him awkwardly. As your glance shifts, you see a second man walk into the room, you begin to get worried as you exchange glances with him. "Oh, you brought her here already? Good work", the man says as he walks over to you, offering you a hand to help you off the ground. You calmly take his hand as he easily lifts you up from the ground. You try to keep your eyes fixated on the ground, to avoid eye contact with the man. "Well, i guess you'll need time to heal..", the man sighed as he looked down at you, as your eyes widened that he may be angered, "N-No, really, i'm fine, just some scratches and bruises!", you shout as you look at him. He calmly looks you in the eyes, "Oh? Then you wouldn't mind a quick fight?", he said calmly, yet, slightly sarcastically. You calmly agreed, nodding your head. The man smiled, letting you go as you began to lose balance, he quickly punched you in the stomach, knocking the breath out of you, as you spit up a large amount of blood, trying to keep yourself standing, as he watched you stumble. "Hey? What's with the act? We haven't even started fighting yet!", he said, walking towards you as you quickly backed up, only to hit into a wall, sliding down as you began to lose consciousness yet again. The man grabbed your shoulder, shaking you, "Hey?!!!? Don't tell me you're gonna die on the first day!". You slightly open your eyes as you look at the ground, shifting your gaze upward, as you look at the man's cloak, you think to yourself "...Red....Clouds....?", as you come to your sences, you quickly jolt yourself off the ground. "Then it's settled, go back to bed, or you'll likely die.". Your eyes widened as the man stood up, walking out of the room. You stood there in a bit of shock, wondering why he hadn't killed you. You take a deep breath, calming down a bit, looking over at the second man. As you see he is also wearing an Akatsuki cloak. You clench your fist, trying to keep your cool of why they had taken you, why and what it is they wanted from you. As the man shifted his gaze away from the door to you, you had let out a small gasp, looking in the opposite direction of the man. As he walked over to you, putting your arm over his shoulder, forcing you to walk back over to the bed, you seemed a bit surprised at the kind act of helping you. "I'll help you until you're better", you look at the man, "I'm guessing you were told to do so...?'. "Yes, Tobi does what he's told. Tobi is a good boy.", You blink, wondering waht the man's mental issues are. He continues helping you walk, as he sits you down on the bed. You stay quiet as you watch the man walk away for a moment, as you see him walk away, you sigh in relief =, lifting your legs onto the bed as you begin to relax, while you think of a clear way to escape, realizing who you happen to be dealing with, you decide it would be a bad idea to try to run away. You sigh, thinking to yourself of how to get out of this, as the thought hits you. "Is.... There even a way to get away..?". You become a bit upset of the thought. You sigh, thinking about what will happen next, how to react, what to say. Your mind begins to race a bit, as you shut your eyes tightly, crossing your arms as you lean your head back. You open your eyes as you see Tobi walk back into the room. You sit up straight, watching him. As you think, "He may be able to tell me something helpful...". As you speak in a small, questionable voice, "So. Can you tell me why i was brought here?", you look at him as he looks back at you. "You were ordered to be recruited.", he says cheerfully, as if it was a happy event. Your eyes widen as you stare at him, " But! Why?!", he watches you as he sees your expression change. "Tobi can't tell you that..", he looks at you. You sigh, wondering why it's such a secret. You look away, wondering if maybe you can simply trick your way of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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