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Letting out a breath that had settled deep inside you, you closed your eyes for a moment to let the warm sun of the countryside wash over your face. The peace you felt lasted only a second when something darted between your legs. Your eyes snapped open, immediately locking onto your target. Kim Yeonwoo, the brunette, troublesome, sweet, and energetic little boy who had been in your care for nearly a year now. Eight and a half months, to be exact. You stayed most days and some nights at his grandparents' house to take care of him while they ran their small corner shop in the small town just a few minutes from their small house. And this small child was big trouble sometimes.

'Chasing' after him, you reveled in the beautiful sound of the boy's laughter, wiggling your fingers whenever he would look back to see if you were still behind him. Just at the edge of your field of vision, you saw a movement, and glanced over in time to see the backdoor swinging closed, leaving a tall man standing just outside it. You remembered the hurried conversation you'd had with Mr. and Mrs. Kim this morning before they left for work. Their son, Yeonwoo's dad, Jungwoo, was supposed to be visiting today. Never in your nearly nine months as Yeonwoo's nanny had you ever met his father. The only reminder you got that this boy had a father was when some array of extravagant gifts would be delivered on a holiday for him, all labelled to be from his father.

In the brief time between their departure and Yeonwoo waking up, you had done some research on Kim Jungwoo. He was the newly-appointed CEO of NCTech, the first to get the position without being related to his predecessor, beating out the former CEO's own two sons who were involved in the company. The former CEO had accepted a new position as Chairman of the Board, promoting Jungwoo to CEO. And he'd gotten the position nine months ago. Other than the occasional dating rumor that never had any evidence, there was no mention of him being married or having a girlfriend. Or of him having a kid. It was as if Yeonwoo didn't exist to anyone except you and his grandparents.

Figuring that you should introduce yourself, you herded the boy towards the backdoor. As you neared, you were more and more sure that this was Kim Jungwoo, even if the pictures online did him no justice.

"Oh hi!" You said brightly, a little out of breath from running after Yeonwoo, hoisting him up onto your hip as you greeted the man who had walked into the backyard. "You must be Kim Jungwoo, I'm Y/L/N Y/N, Yeonwoo's nanny."

"I was not aware... that my parents had hired a nanny. It's uh, nice to meet you," he nodded politely to you before reaching out to the boy with a smile on his face, "Hey Yeonwoo! Come here, bud!"

The boy recoiled away from Jungwoo, burying his face in your neck fearfully. Jungwoo seemed confused, and yet again tried to reach for him, this time succeeding in getting a hand on the boy's side before he burst into tears, screaming and crying and screeching. He was still crying even as you took a couple steps back from the newcomer, stroking his back soothingly and cooing gently at him. Every step you took away from Jungwoo seemed to confuse and hurt the man more.

Giving him an apologetic look, you walked by him back towards the house, still consoling the child in your arms. You knew that you must have left him dumbfounded, but he had apparently gotten his bearings as you were halfway back to the house when he yelled after you, "Wait, that's my son! Come back here!"

Yeonwoo let out another wail at the surely frightening sound of Jungwoo yelling, and despite culture telling you to give the man his own son, the fearful child that was soaking your shirt with tears and spit convinced you otherwise. So you continued into the house and to Yeonwoo's room, sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of his room. You coaxed the boy's head out of your chest, grabbing a soft rag to wipe at the tears, snot, and spit that had accumulated across his face.

"You're so red, bub," you commented in a hushed voice, stroking his dark brown hair away from his incredibly red eyes. "You must be tired too, huh?"

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