Chapter 1~Life Seriously Suckd

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A/N: As I said in the story info this is my first story so don't judge. Also this story is written on my iPod so there will be mistakes. Please nicely point them out and don't be a bitch about it, so yea on with the story, hope you like it!!😀

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You missed one problem on your math test! You're a failure! You deserve to go to hell!" Mother shrieked at me.

She started pacing back and forth, cursing me and occasionally throwing stuff at me. You're probably thinking right now 'Wtf is wrong with this family' and you're right. What is wrong with us, I used to think about it a lot, but eventually I have up because there is no answer or rather there are too many answers. Let's see, my dad's dead, my mom's insane, she hits me, she verbally and mentally abuses me. She locked me outside the whole night in the rain because I tied in the state spelling bee. Harsh, I know.

At first I thought if was normal, that all kids moms would do this, but as I became older I realized that parents of my friends were way more caring and loving. I was sad at first, but then I stopped feeling because I came to a conclusion if you can't feel it then they can't hurt you. They can't break you. So I learned to freeze my heart.

I can picture it in my mind, my heart, covered in layers of ice that keeps growing until one day I won't be able to feel anything because sometime right now you might be able to break through the ice if you try hard enough. I'll make sure I don't feel anything soon enough. On the inside that's what keeps me together, on the outside I hide behind a mask of sarcasm and witty comebacks. My friends would describe me as on the verge being insane.

You know what the funny thing is? I'm actually popular and pretty! I am 5'4" with striking blue eyes, high cheekbones, pale skin, jet black hair that hangs at my waist and I'm quite slim. I mean c'mon I've got a messed family life so yea I deserve a good social life and looks! You're probably wondering how this works. My mother is actually quite dumb. Just say working in a project or a study group and she doesn't suspect a thing. I'll go to parties and hangout and she never knows.

Yes lying is bad and all that, but I think that if you're in my situation you'll do the same if not then whatever I guess I'm special. I go out a lot. She's confident that she can control me well she's wrong. She's about as sharp as a marbles so obviously I would be able to outsmart her.

Anyways as she was pacing around I casually picked up a book and stayed reading after 10 min she finally noticed I wasn't listening. See I told you that she's dumb.

"You little bitch have you ben listening to a single word I've said?! I go through all this trouble to cloth you and feed you and this is how you pay me back?"

I laughed humorlessly.

"Actually it's me that cooks, buys the food, do the laundry, work, pays the bills, and everything else around the house! All you do is sleep, eat, get drunk, and repeat. oh right I forgot ifs because you're brain isn't big enough to process anything else." I replied on a sharp tone.

I knew the consequences, but I couldn't care less. Like I said before I can barely feel now. Just like I thought she advances on me with a wooden stick and I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. I opened my eyes just the see the bitch bring the stick down.

A/N: yea ik this chapter is short I'm just getting the feel of writing right now so yea. It'll be longer in the future. I'm gonna update again after I get one at least one comment and one vote do pllzz vote comment and follow!! Hope u like the story so far!!

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