Chapter 1 - The Bus Journey

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6:30am I wake up to the sound of my blaring alarm. Monday mornings were never easy. I drag myself out of bed and look at my reflection in the mirror at the foot of my bed, my hair was strewn sporadically across my face, and my bare face looked far from presentable. I began on my grueling process that I participate in every morning, hair, makeup, everything any average teenage girl would do. I straighten my blonde hair until it lies flat on my shoulders, and put on a just short of excessive amount of makeup. I wasn't trying to impress anyone, but for some reason, this amount felt necessary on this day.

I put on my school uniform, which didn't flatter my thin frame at all. I still had 5 minutes until I had to leave my house for school, so I grab a granola bar from the counter, and start on my way. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder, knowing I had to move quickly to meet the 8am bus.

I take my usual seat on the bus, everything seems normal to any other day. The younger children shout at an excessive volume, causing me a slight migraine. I put my headphones in and play my 'summer faves playlist', the songs on which bring back bright memories of summer and fun, highly contrasting the mood in which I regarded school with. The first song that plays is 'Hit Me Back' by Jacob Sartorius, which begins a flood of memories of things I definitely shouldn't have been doing this Summer. The only thing which drew away from my reminiscent haze is something different on the bus, someone new. I look up from my phone, and I cannot believe who it is, it can't be. It's Jacob Sartorius!

In a panic, I realize the only free seat is next to me. I try and fix my hair as he slowly makes his way towards me. My attempts, whilst probably failing miserably, were all in pursuit of not seeming as nervous as I already am. "Um, is it okay if I sit here?" Jacob says to me. My heart drops, but I maintain my composure and manage to utter "yeah that's fine". We sit in silence for a few seconds until he notices I'm listening to his music.

"You're a fan?" he says, making me fall into a state of embarrassment as my cheeks turn into what I can only describe as a vivid shade of scarlet. I quickly have to think of a reply.

"Um yeah I am, I love your music!" I immediately melt into a pool on the ground, I didn't want to seem like a fan. I beat myself up, I've ruined any chance I possibly could've had.

"Thank you! It's nice to meet you, beautiful" he utters through his lips I've watched him bite over and over, I can't help but scream inside. If my cheeks were scarlet before, I can't imagine what they are now. He's even cuter in real life, I must be dreaming.

Our conversation is brief and doesn't pass small talk, but I feel myself becoming more and more attracted to him, the butterflies in my stomach swarming and making my heart flutter. I've never seen a Monday morning seem so good, but today was obviously an exception. I cannot wait to tell my friends when I reach the school. Jacob Sartorius, I might be the luckiest in the girl world.

The bus draws to a halt, and the brief time in which we have conversed suddenly seems so far away. I think everything is over, he's grabbing his bag and getting ready to stand. The bus stops and the door opens, we all stand to prepare to leave, but Jacob hesitates. He turns to look at me and his eyes meet mine. I melt into the dreamy hazel like that make up his iris, he truly is perfect. I suddenly realize he has asked me something. He repeats.

"Lily, may I have your number?" I struggle to answer but somehow deliver a response, giving my number just as he requested, all my dreams are coming true.

"See you later, gorgeous" Jesus Christ he may actually be perfect, I feel myself falling already. I continue off the bus, and head toward the main school building. I see Kate and Aria ahead, I try to contain my eagerness, not wanting to seem too obsessed with the earlier endeavor.

"Kate. Aria. You will not believe what just happened. Jacob Sartorius just sat by me on the bus AND he asked for my number" I leave my two best friends astounded. This has been the basis of all our dreams, it seems completely unreal. I explain, in copious detail, the events on the bus, and we squeal and giggle in excitement.

We make our way to our morning tutor period, and take our usual seats. Our conversation doesn't leave the topic of Jacob, both shocked and confused as to why he is at our school and why he took such an attraction to me. We then realised, he had my number and he is most likely going to text me at some point. The nerves arise and me and my friends alike begin to over analyse the situation and wonder what to expect.

Whilst sat in my third lesson of the day, maths, and I feel my phone vibrate. I look down, forgetting that I was anticipating. I read the text from the unknown number.

Unknown number, 11:45: Guess who?

Me, 11:46: I'm not sure, give me a clue.

Unknown number, 11:47: The bus this morning, 'Hit Me Back' I believe it was.

Me, 11:50: Jacob?

Jacob, 11:51: Well done!! How are you babe?

Me, 11:53: Not bad, bored aha, math is awful, you?

Jacob, 11:55: Better now that I'm talking to you.

Our conversation danced between flirty remark and flirty remark, my heart fluttering each time I felt my phone go off in my pocket. He was amazing at just making me happy, each compliment making me happier and happier, smoother and smoother each time. He finally asked "Would you like to meet in the lunch break?"

I walk out of third lesson and head to fourth, consulting Aria and Kate as I do so. Jacob, Jacob Sartorius wants to see me at lunch! I get to my next lesson and I can barely contain my excitement, let alone do any work. I take my assigned seat and get my book out, barely thinking about what I'm doing. As I glance to the front of my class, I notice the teacher is talking to someone, wearing a familiar black hoodie (which definitely is not uniform). It can't be happening, Jacob is in my art class, the teacher points in my direction and he takes the seat next to me.

"Hello Lily, I'm glad I don't have to wait until lunch to see you, I've missed that smile" he whispers as our teacher hands out the syllabus and introduces us to our new scheme of work. However, I can't seem to focus, it must be those damned eyes. Those damned eyes.

The next hour races by, we get closer and closer, telling stories and discussing our pasts, him mostly asking the questions, as I already know so much about him. He sits watching and listening to me so intently, hanging on my every word. Our teacher doesn't seem to notice the lack of work, too engrossed in something other than Jacob and me. She also fails to notice his wandering hand, which makes its way onto my thigh. His lingering touch makes my heart beat faster and faster, I can't believe how today has turned out.

The lunch bell rings and both Jacob and I grab our bags and race out of the classroom. We make our way outside of the school, and find ourselves an isolated bench in a shaded courtyard. I put my blazer next to my bag on the bench, exposing my tan arms to the cool air of a mild September day. Jacob is telling me some story about MADCON and Mark and LA, when I ask, "So why are you actually here Jacob?"

"It was too much Lily, the fame got too much for me. I had so many fans and I couldn't keep up with the pressure of the media and the music industry. Having your own music career and lip syncing to other people's songs are very different things. Coming here was a way to escape the spot light, I needed something real, and then I found you" he explains. The next seconds go so slowly I don't even realize what I'm doing. I kiss him.

"I'm so sorry Jacob, I'm so sorry I don't know why I did that," he looks directly into my eyes.

"Well I know exactly why I did this," and he kisses me again. Harder, more passionate, bringing me in closer. I have never been happier in my life. The kiss lasts a few seconds until he pulls away, with that proud smirk he usually carries with him, brandishing his blushing cheeks. A feeling of ecstasy fills my body and doesn't seem to leave for days. Lily Jones was just kissed by Jacob Sartorius.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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