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Long ago, the young woman won the battle. She beat him. As his life points dropped to zero, the young man collapsed on his knees and yelled in frustration and defeat as he hit the ground with his fists, shaking all over as tears fell rapidly to the ground from his face.

"I... lost... I failed to... protect....! I failed to protect...!! I failed to protect...!!" He stopped as he felt his throat dry and sore.

"Didn't I try to tell you that you can never win and I will always win?" She said.

He looked up and saw the girl looking down at him. He glared at her with anger and hatred.

"Even if you try to beat me, you can't... so please, stop this madness and make things right again."

"Why should I trust you?" He hissed with disgust.

Oh, how I hate her so, so, so, much...

"Because I believe you that you can makes things right again" she said.

Things were right until you turned down my offer...

"Makes things right again and that you believed me?" He scoffed, "like hell you believe in me! You only care nothing, but yourself, admit it!"

If won't make things right for me...

"You're wrong! I do care about you too, I even care about everything and everyone, but with your power and mine, we can makes thing right again!" She said before held out her hand to help him.

The young man looked up at her, but he wasn't really looking at her, his eyes are looking at the jewelry on her wists.

Then, I will make things right, but I'll do it... my own way...

"You know, you're right..." he said before his hand reached to her hand.

I'll do it my way...! MY WAY ONLY!!!

Just about the girl was about to smile, the man quickly and immediately grabbed her wists and she gasped as her arm and the two glowed.

"You're right about one thing, with your power and my power, we will make a brand new world, a world in which until meet again, you just need to hurry!!!" He said with an insane smile.

The girl screamed realizing that she made things worse. The girl glowed pink, purple, green, and blue. The man glowed red, blue, white and magenta.

A huge white glow blinded them, everything was vanishing. A whole new world was created... all thanks two the young girl and the young boy.

My own way, I'll create a brand new world, with my own power and my own way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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