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???: ... See these eyes? You don't see what they see.

???: Or this tongue, you don't know what tastes good to me.

???: This is the HUMAN CONDITION; it keeps us apart,

???: Not the whole picture, just ONE PART.

???: ... Wow.

???: Did you... ... like it...?

???: Yeah! It was greɪt Pix!

Pixel: >///<

Pixel: Th--th--θæŋks Bit--!

Pixel: ~~~~~~~~~~~

Bit: Heh! No ˈprɒbləm.

Bit: ˈɛnɪtaɪm.

Pixel: ... ... ... ...

Bit: Yes?

Pixel: Well... ... I've been meaning to ɑːsk; because we usually end up having ONE or MORE of your ˈbrʌðəs underfoot...

Bit: Oh, that. I don't think ˈɛnɪ of them are in the house today, səˈpraɪzɪŋˈlɪ.

Pixel: Hmmm...

Pixel: How odd.

Bit: Yeah, kaɪnda feels EMPTY.

Pixel: >v>

Pixel: ... ... Yeah.

Pixel: ... You θɪŋk THE OTHERS are free to pleɪ?

Bit: Haha! Probably. Being around so many people all the time makes ˈsɒlɪtərɪ things all the more lonely.

Bit: Why don't we go see Anonabro?

Pixel: <v<

Pixel: Yeah, ˈmeɪˌbiː we can get hrvtres and some of the other gɜrls too.

Bit: That'd be a ˈraɪət! Let's go.

Pixel: >v<

Bit: Think 'Bro'll need our hɛlp with his kəmˈpjuːtə again?

Pixel: Most likely.

Bit: Haha, he's so funny.

Pixel: >v>

Pixel: Yup.

Pixel: ... ... ... ...

Bit: What's up?

Pixel: >o>

Pixel: --!!!

Bit: ...?

BIt: Eh...?

???: The Time Has Come Justicar.

Pixel: ...?!

Bit: What...

Bit: --??!

Bit: H-Hey--! Leave Pix əˈləʊn--! No!

Bit: Stɒp--! PIX!!!

Pixel: --!!!

Pixel: Hɛlp me Bit!!!

Bit: Give Pix bæk!

Pixel: Bit--!

???: Stand Aside Or Be Judged.

Bit: --!!!

Bit: PIX!

Pixel: --! --! --!

Bit: OoO

Bit: Was that... ... C.C. just now...!?

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: What the hɛl's going on here?

Bit: Pix...

Bit: >=(

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