Ask #6

168 4 30

Me: Angelwave1324 asks Brock, are you still to get a girl or something? And TwilightSage12 asks if I could bring Lelana and Arianna Bonely Muretos too and yes I can! ^v^

Brock: Yes I am! But Am has been teaching me a lot of things about women!

Manny: Really now? Like what?

Brock: Like what women like and love, and how to perform in bed!

Benonic: P-Perform in b-bed?

Jack: What do you mean by "perform in bed?"

Brock: Sexual activity of course!!

Manolo: ALEJANDRO!!!

Benonic: O-Oh my...(0//////0)

Alejandro: Que?

Manolo: Why are teaching Brock this?!

Alejandro: Why not? *snickering*

Manolo: Oh, I'm about—*tries to attack him*

Jack: *holds his arm* Jesus Christ Manolo chill

Benonic: M-Manolo! Please calm down

Lewis: Damn, that is tough

Lelana: Hey Lewis *kisses cheek*

Lewis: *blushes and smiled*

Arianna: Manolo Chill Please

Manolo: *cursing in Spanish*

Manny: *laughing hard*

Alejandro: Damn Manolo, and I thought I was the anti-hero here!

Manolo: I swear!!

Arianna: Am, Stop now *takes out her scythe*

Alejandro: Okay, don't get your taco in a twist

Arianna: Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?

Alejandro: Whatever pisses you off dear, Manny! Hand me my wine!

Manny: here *gives him wine*

Alejandro: Thank you darling~ *drinks it*

Manolo: *growling*

Arianna: *hugged him* Chill

Manolo: Fine *hugs back*

Me: I still ship Lewis and Manolo, and Alejandro with Arther

Alejandro: Me too sweet cheeks!

Arther: Am..(////_////)

Me: Okay then, I know this shit was short but I'm tired as fuck!! Okay bye❤️🖤

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