A Winter Magic Show

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When Akko first arrived at Luna Nova, the rumors that a person from a non-witch family was allowed to attend the prestigious magic academy might have easily faded away were it not for Akko's rambunctious character. From causing explosions in the classrooms daily, to changing the traditions of the Samhain Festival, Akko became of rapturous interest to the entire school.

Especially after unlocking the Grand Triskelion, most attitudes have shifted positively. Many came to find Akko's antics endearing. They spiced up the monotonous life at the academy. However, like with any celebrity, there came those who hated them for their very existence. There emerged those who doubted everything Akko had done.

"You really think a girl from a non-witch family can do those things?"

"She thinks she's all that."

"I heard she only just learned to fly a broom!"

Class had ended for the day, and Akko was heading back towards her dorm room. She could hear the occasional whispers exchanged between the students as she rushed by them, but she paid no attention. She never did really. She hummed Shiny Chariot's theme song as she strode lightly through the halls.

Akko rounded the corner of a corridor, just as three tall girls stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

"Sup, Akko," one said, her voice dripping with anything but friendliness. She was clearly their leader.

They stood in a triangle surrounding her. Their arms were crossed and they sported a sneer on their faces.

"Seniors..." Akko laughed nervously. She could tell something was strange, but she couldn't explain what it was. "W-what's going on?"

"Hey hey, you can tell us," the first said again in a low tone. "You weren't really the one who unlocked the Grand Triskelion, yeah?"

"Yeah, it was Diana wasn't it?"

"Huh?" Akko stared at them in confusion. "Well... Diana, and all my friends, were there with me but...."

"So we're right, yeah?"

"But I was still the one chosen by Shiny Rod! I'm not trying deny that my friends helped me... but I spoke the Seven Words of Arcturus!"

Now a look of confusion passed across the leader's face. The three shared a look between themselves.

"Look kid, no one expected you to turn out to be much in magic, but now everyone - even the professors - are saying you practically saved the world. You expect us to just believe that?"

Akko had no words to reply. She didn't care nearly as much about whether they believed she spoke the Seven Words. After all she did have a lot of help from her friends. However, what really struck a nerve was that they didn't even believe she had any potential to begin with.

"We're going to be honest with you. We never liked you. We never thought it was a good idea for the school to let in someone from a non-witch family."

Their words hurt. Couldn't they see how hard she was working? She couldn't control how she was born, but she was still chasing after her passions, making her own path.

Without thinking Akko yelled out, "You just won't admit I did some things that you never could!"

The leader growled and shoved her her against the wall. She stepped in close and pinned her arm against Akko's chest. The other two flanked her sides. They had her trapped.

"What did you just say?! You think we're just gonna let you get away with that?"

"You're just jealous!"

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