Manifest Destiny Turned

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Chibi: hrvtres! Come oooooon, let's go already!

hrvtres: Okay, one sec! Let me finish blogging,

hrvtres: HONESTLY.

Chibi: Teehee~♥

hrvtres: >=T

Chibi: ?.?

hrvtres: Why's he doing this?

Chibi: ??.??

hrvtres: Can you go and get the phone?

Chibi: 'Kay.

Chibi: !!!

Chibi: Did you do that on purpose?

hrvtres: Pfffttt.

hrvtres: Nope, all 'Bro's fault.

Chibi: ... ... Of course.

hrvtres: Actually, it's more like C.C.'s--!

Chibi: Don't believe that!

Chibi: Hey there, computer illiterate.

Anonabro: =w="

Anonabro: Uhhhh...

Anonabro: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: Hi...?

Chibi: SHUT UP!

Anonabro: =x="

Chibi: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, just kidding. How are you?

Anonabro: =x=

Chibi: >=(

Chibi: You can speak, it's called a joke.

Anonabro: I'm good... You?

Chibi: Fine, fine, I'm always so fine.

Anonabro: Yeeeaaaah... moving on, why are you at hrvtres's?

Chibi: Because I damn well feel like it. How is that any of you're business?

Anonabro: Sorry I as--

Chibi: BE A MAN! You've gotta stand UP for yourself! Assert your position as the DOMINANT SEX here! You should be DEMANDING that I demure myself and answer your questions in a polite and reasonably truthful manner!

Anonabro: Uhhh... Okay, let's go with that--

Chibi: Are you TELLING me to do something?!

Anonabro: But you just--

Chibi: I am NOT your toy; or YOURS in any way, shape, or form PERIOD! What gives you the right to boss me around?!

Anonabro: Chibi--

Chibi: No! Why should I listen to a CHAUVINIST like you?

Anonabro: ... ... And this is the part where you hand the phone over to hrvtres.

Chibi: Hmph! I'll do the EXACT OPPOSITE of that!

Anonabro: No, you won't.

Chibi: Yes, I will.

Anonabro: No.

Chibi: Yes~♥

Anonabro: ... You're standing right next to her, aren't you?

Chibi: ^.^~♥

Anonabro: Fuuuuuh. Just give hrvtres the phone.

Chibi: Make me.

Anonabro: This is impor--

Chibi: MAKE ME.

Anonabro: I--

Manifest Destiny TurnedWhere stories live. Discover now