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(Y/N)'s POV

Prom?! It's tonight! Omg omg omg!!!

It was a school day like usual, I wake up earlier than usual too.

"Sweetie, you're up early. Why?" "It's prom night today mom! I'm so excited!" I said squealing and jumping at the same time. Mom just smiled at me.

"Well, you better eat first before going to school." I sat in the dinning room and mom gave me pancakes. Mom sat beside me and ask me.

"Who's your date?" I swallow the pancake in my mouth and look to her.

"Tom," "Oh, that's great! He is a good guy! Don't ruin that." She said with a bit of serious tone. I laughed telling her it's ok.

"I better get going, bye mom!" I said standing up and walking to the door. Putting my shoes on and openned the door. I waved at mom and left the house. On the way to school, I bumped to someone.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Hearing that makes me want to punch his face and stab hum with my dagger, but then again, I lost my dagger when I was fighting so it's no use, so I decided to ignore him.

"Sorry about that." I said picking my sheets of papers. I stood up and walked away. I went to my place, but it was already taken.

"Excuse me, but can I sit here?" "No, go away!" I gave them an angry face. They were the 'popular girls' and people say they are 'nice', more like morons. I walked away and sat on a bench away from them. I was alone, but I'm used to it. Everyday I'm like this, alone, no one to talk to until Tom came.


"Hm? Tom!" I jumped and hugged him. He hugged me back harder.

"Why alone? Why don't you play with them?" He said pointing at the 'popular girls'. "They're nice."

"Pfft. Yeah 'NICE'" I said motioning my hand to the words I said. "To you! Not to me!" I said pointing at them.

"Let me talk to them."

"Tom wait. Don'" I said waving my hands in the air.

"I won't, darling. Here's your dagger." He gave me my dagger, still the same shades of green and gold, the same patern. Nothing different.

He must've took it before we left.

"Thank you Tom!" I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. He walked to the girls and talked to them for a while and I came and stand beside him.

"So uh can you be nicer?" Tom ask with a cold tone.

"Yeah, sure Tom." One of the gilrs say as she touch his hand, but he brush it off. The girl was shocked and backed up.

"Ok then we must be going." He said not waving nor saying goodbye. He takes my hand and we went inside.

"Cold as ice. Cold as ice." I said walking beside him. Tom looked to left and right and without warning he dragged me into a small corner, closing my mouth.

"Shh. Don't scream. Don't be mad at me."

"Tom! What the fuck! What was that for?!" I said whispering to him.

"First of, language. Second, those girls are only nice to me and teachers. Thi—"

"And why only to you?" I said holding his hand from covering my mouth again.

"Let me talk first, ok? Third, don't get to close to me when they're around. Got it?"

"Got it. Can I talk now?"

"Yes darling."

"Why only you? They like you?"

"You are reading my mind and yes. They like me a lot. Once, one of the girls tried to have sex with me." I covered my mouth and smiled a little. I know it's not funny but I just can't help it. "It's not weird when you say 'she likes me', because you're Tom Hiddleston. Everybody likes you! Unlike me." I said head facing down.

"Hey hey, don't say that. Let's get to class." He gave me a hand and we both went to class just in time. The bell rang and the teacher came in.

~Time Skip~

We are done with school and now we're heading home. I told Tom I was about to hand my assignment to my math teacher and he insist to wait for me.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late, Miss."

"It's okay." The teacher said looking at my assignment. I left the room and go look for Tom, but what I found left me speechless.

A girl was holding his hips and talking to him. He was laughing and he looks like he is enjoying it. The girl kissed his cheek and leaned towards him. I can't bare to look,


I ran away, not caring if Tom saw me or not. I got in the restroom and cried more.

"Why is he like this? Did he not like me? Am I not perfect?" I openned my phone and looked at it. I click camera and look at myself.

"You're right (Y/N). You're not pretty. Not smart. Not perfect. How can Tom, the man everybody loves, like a girl like me?" I dropped my phone and a wipped my tears away. I took my phone and put it in my bag. Openned the door and walked away. As I was walking to my bike, I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around to see Tom, openning his arms waiting for me to hug him. I didn't want to remind myself of the pain he put me through. I sigh and turned away getting on my bike, until I felt a hand touch mine. I know it's Tom, so I didn't look back.

"Tom, I wish to be alone."

"What?" I didn't answer him and brush his hand of off mine and cycled away.

Tom's POV

My heart was broken to pieces. She left me. Tonight is prom night and we went into a fight? Did she see me with that girl?


"Ehehe, I must be going."

"Oh Tom, I don't think so." She crashed her lips to mine. Me not openning my mouth. I pushed her away. As I did that, I heard foot steps from the hallway. My concentration was broken by her holding me back again. I pushed her harder and she fell down.

"FUCK YOU! GO DIE!" I yelled at her, making her cry and running away.

*end of flashback*

"God, I made a big mistake! Argh!" I hopped in my car and drove to (Y/N)'s house.

(Y/N)'s POV

I arrived at my house and I openned the door begging to myself for my mom to be in her room. It came true mom was in her room.

"Sweetie are you home?" Mom shouted from upstairs.

"Yes mom!" I ran upstairs to my room as fast as I can, but mom caught me.

"Why running?"

"Oh, I have to get dress for prom night!"

"Ok then, sweetie." Mom left and I rushed into my room. I laid on my bed, lost in my thoughts, until I heard a knock on the door. I openned it thinking it was mom, but it's Tom. I closed the door back, but he blocked it with his foot.

"Let me in please,"

"Go away, Tom. I'm not saying it again."

"Please?" He asked his hands openning wide, but I didn't have the feels of diving right in. I only have the feels of pain and hate.

"I SAID GO AWAY! GO BE WITH THAT GIRL! SHE'S BETTER THAN ME! GO FUCK WITH HER! GO! I don't want to go to prom with you anymore."


"Because..." I felt my heart shread into more pieces.

"What? Darling? I love you. I'm so sorry for what I did. I can make it up to you if yo—"

"I don't love you anymore, Tom. I don't."

Tom Hiddleston X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now