Vertigo's House

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hrvtres: Hai Vee.

Vertigo: Hey hrvtres!

hrvtres: How's everything been going?

Vertigo: Good, good! How about you?

hrvtres: I'm fine. I just think it's a

hrvtres: PAIN

hrvtres: that the only way I can


hrvtres: is at school during lunch.

hrvtres: It's

hrvtres: DUMB.

Vertigo: Teehii~!

Vertigo: I do live off the schools' campuses, which means I'm one of the farthest commuters around! Besides, I would feel rilly bad if you got hurt or something coming over to indulge ME and my SELFISH WHIMS.

Vertigo: :C

hrvtres: PLEASE.

hrvtres: You don't have a selfish bone in that scrawny lil' body of yours.

Vertigo: Hii hii! That's rilly nice of you to say! I--

hrvtres: Ah, hold on.

Vertigo: C:

hrvtres: MOM!

hrvtres: I'm on the phone--

Mom: I need you to do these dishes!

hrvtres: I will! Just let me talk to my friend right now! She's the one who lives in the big

hrvtres: GLASS HOUSE--

Mom: Not later, hrvtres, NOW!

hrvtres: But--

Mom: Now!

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

hrvtres: Uggggh. My mom's calling, I'll have to call back later.

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

hrvtres: Vee?

Vertigo: ...! Oh, so sorry! Yeah, just call back whenever!

Vertigo: C:

hrvtres: Okay, but before I go and forget, mind if I ask you something?

Vertigo: Sure! I like to answer questions!

hrvtres: If your

hrvtres: PARENTS

hrvtres: are

hrvtres: NEVER HOME

hrvtres: then why did they make you live in a


Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: Well--

hrvtres: OH SHIT--!

hrvtres: Ow, hey! Give that back--Mooom!

Mom: I'm sorry, but this young lady have some chores to do. She'll call you back when she finishes them.

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: All right! Please tell her that I said goodbye and good luck! All the same to you as well, ma'am!

Mom: Thank you very much. I'll be sure to pass on your message.

hrvtres: Mom! I'm talking about something important with her--!

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: ... It must be nice--rilly rilly nice--to have parents that are around to peck and poke and fuss over you, hrvtres. Even though you won't hear this; you want to know why my parents made this house for me to live in? All the mirrors reflecting the images of the other mirrors into infinity...

Vertigo: They made me this house so that I'd NEVER FEEL ALONE.

Vertigo: ... ... ... ...

Vertigo: :'C

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