The magic necklace

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Hi my names Luna and this story is about a magic necklace. First ill tell u about me i live alone no parents. I live in the woods near my school i have no friends, i have to wear the same outfit everyday cause i don't have anything else to wear , until one day i found i necklace that would great me any wish i wanted, enough about me lets get on with the story.

Me: Yawns, time for another horrible day. Gets in the shower and wash's off for school, put outfit on and heads out for school, runs into a guy.

???: Am so sorry miss here let me help u up

Me: Am ok, thanks for helping me up, am Luna btw

???: Your welcome, am Prince btw

Me: Its nice to meet u, but why would u help me nobody likes me am a loner

Prince: Just cause your a loner don't mean i can't help u 

Me: Your right 

Prince: Let buy u some coffee

Me: Sure

Me:  We got to the coffee shop and he did buy me a coffee

Prince: Hey Luna do u wanna be friends?

Me: Really!!! You wanna be friends with me!!!

Prince: Yea!! Your cool and funny!

Me: Wow!!

Me: And i would love to be friends with u!!

Prince: Great!!

Me: I should tell u this before u start being my friend i have to wear the same outfit everyday cause i have no other outfits, and i live alone my family members are gone.

Prince: Am sorry to hear that. 

Prince: But i can help u!! I live in my on house u can come live with me if u want to.

Me: I-I would love that!!!!! But i wouldn't want to be a pain.

Prince: No u wouldn't be a pain.

Me: Are u sure?

Prince: Yes am sure!

Me: Well in that case lets go!!!

Hey guys it me am gonna stop right there i know its short but am gonna see if ya'll like before i do anything else with it. Bye guys

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