Crimson Water

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The fear of falling,


The thrill of falling.

I see the bridge above,

The water below.

No rope,

Nor net to stop my descent.

Raging water,

Bursts into ravaging waves,

That crash against shards of pointed rocks,

Peering over the water's edge.

'Their waiting for me,'

I think,

As i feel the air rush past my face,

And through my hair.

'Waiting ever so patiently,

Waiting for me,

So i can give them what they wish to claim from me.'

The harsh words go through my head,

'Go away!'

'Get fucked!'

'Go jump off a bridge you fuckwhit!'

And that is what i did.

But now,

From my once weightless flight,

I jerk back to reality,

And i suddenly stop.

The rocks claim what's now theirs,

And they sign,

With now,

Crimson Water.

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