Blog #156
What is it like to be tall?
Actually, and seriously, what is it like because I'm only 5'2 and 170 pounds a thick girl in the stomach, belly, and chest.
I have only heard stories, read fan-fictions, and watched some funny "crack" videos but who is Slendorman or Slenderman well I don't know but he is interesting and mysteriously entertaining.
I wonder if he is real and if he is, where is he? Is he in the woods like the fan-fiction says, about the old mansion or is he a myth or is living in the shadows of everything and everyone that is alive and dead........
I wonder, does he hate humans doing videos and fan-fictions about him? If it were me I would be slightly (....what's the word.....Oh yeah!) honored but also a little disgusted.........
He messes with electricity and electronics. I think that's cool but what is the big deal about the pieces of paper. If you don't want people to touch or take them then don't put them out in public or where everyone would go take whenever they want.END OF BLOG
This blog was one of the last blog the author ever wrote.....
Curiosity Made Love To The Cat
RomanceSlenderman fanfiction that is a little violent so I will recommend it for mature audiences.