The beginning

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I was 17 living my best life in the best way possible , I stayed to myself minding the business that pays me. I always went to school work home same routine for the last 2 years I was just ready to graduate so I can go to college and get out this hell whole honestly. Speaking of school I need to be getting ready for it . I walked out my bathroom I just took off my bonnet my cousin Brittany did me a frontal yesterday it was dark red . I looked in my closet I was searching till I heard my phone ring .
I finally found something , I got dressed and went downstairs , I seen my mother and step father talking in the kitchen . I was grabbing my keys when my mother told me to come here . I bet y'all wondering why I'm calling her my mother , because she doesn't deserve to be called my mama , if I was real disrespectful I would just call her ha name . My mother isn't the person she protrays to be she makes it look like where just the perfect family like we have family dinners and shit , BITCH no she barely home and her drunk ass husband don't do shit but bring home weak ass checks so that mean I have to pay the bills with my money I suppose to be saving for college that's why I don't fuck with them . Lately they been acting all nice cause they know I'm thinking about going to college and they aren't going to have no way to pay these damn bills . Little do the know I already found my dream college I just going up and leave one day . I know that might seem all harsh and what not but my mother hasn't done nothing for me since i was 13 I been providing and raising my damn self since 13 like wtf. I looked at them , she told me she needed to borrow for Tony ( my stepfather) son to get out jail. TF I look like the damn ATM , no Tony and his mid selling ass son already owe me some money . I just walked out I don't have time it today and I'm not In mood . I pulled off and just thought about my future ,where would I be in the next 10 years . My future stayed on my mind alot lately especially since graduation was literally 3 months away and I was ready . I pulled up and walked in the big building people called school . I was late already and not to mention my mother been blowing my phone up since I left I rolled my eyes and kept walking till I seen the nastiest shit ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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