Chapter 9: The last morning, day, and words

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They all woke up to Tylers phone alarm, except for Tyler, even though Tylers phone was being charged on a iHome doc station, and it was set as loud as it goes, Tyler was completely passed out. Tony walked into Tylers room, and threw the iPhone at Tyler, instantly waking him up.

"What the fuck man" Tyler screams, as he jumps out of bed, "Your phone fucking went off and woke everyone up you dick" Tony told him. Tyler felt like a complete idiot. 

Tyler didn't even bother getting dressed, seeings as he only slept in his shorts and a tank-top anyways, so he and Tony walked out into the living room where everyone gathered for breakfast. "Here Tony, Tyler, I made you breakfast" Katy said, as Tyler and Tony made their way to the dinning room table. 

"You guys realize, we leave after lunch.. right?" Sherman said, getting off the couch, and making his way to the kitchen, for some food. They all looked around, none of them wanted to leave, dispite the issues between Tyler and Sam, none of them wanted to have to say goodbye to their group of friends. 

"Hey, Harold, what are you doing after today?" Alyssa said as she began to eat, Harold looked at Alyssa, "Im spending a few days over at Tylers before him and I go back to Newcastle" he said. 

Alyssa instantly dismissed the rest of the conversation, but before Tyler could start a new topic, he noticed Jessica shooting him a weird look from the corner of his eye. Tyler really didn't care what Jessica was shooting him a look for, but clearly it was about him and Samantha. 

"Guys can I just say something?" Tony said, "Yeah?" Jessica told him. Tony stood up, and walked to where everyone could see him.

"I just want to say that this past week, we've lived with eachother, some good things, and bad things have all happened in this warehouse, But I just want you all to know, Im going to smoke a joint, peace" Tony said, as he made his way to Tylers room. 

Tyler instantly noticed Tony going to his room, "What the hell are you going to my room for" he piped up. "Well I wanna smoke in your room, so suck it up" Tony said, throwing the finger up at Tylers direction. Tyler got up, "Well then I'm going to fucking join him too" he said, making his way to his room behind Tony. 

"Sherman, lets go" Alyssa said, as she pulled Shermans arm, yanking him into Tylers room, "Well then lets all fucking go, why dont we?" Jessica said, as sarcastically as she could. Kathryn knew she was implying the sarcasm, so she said "Yeah sure, why don't we" giving Harold a signal to get into Tylers room. 

Within minutes, Tyler, Tony, Sherman and Harold were on Tylers bed, while Sam and Jess were on Tyler's love-seat in his room. That left Valerie and Alyssa who sat against the footrest of Tylers bed, and Katy against his dresser. 

"Alright," Tyler began as he opened his nightstand, "I have these three left" he continues, pulling three medium sized joints out of his nightstand. Tyler paused, "But we're only smoking two" as he put the third in his inside sweater pocket. 

"Why the fuck can't we smoke them all" Tony protested, Tyler pulled out the joint, "Because this is mine, its rolled in peach flavoured papers, they're my favourite". 

Tyler got off his bed, walked over to Sam, and gave her one of the two joints, "Here, don't spark it yet". She took it, and held the lighter in her hand, Tyler gave the second to Sherman, "alright, we'll spark these at the same time, then, we'll have two in rotation, good?" Tyler said, giving them the signal to start smoking, which was just a simple snap of the fingers.

As they smoked, they moved throughout the room, after one pull each, they had almost all moved, Sherman was sitting on the floor at the footrest with Alyssa, Katy and Valerie were sitting on the bed with Tyler and Harold, while Tony was over on the loveseat with Jessica. 

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