Lost and Forgotten- A Niall Horan Fanfic

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Natalie's POV

Another day, another life, passes by just like mine, its not complicated...

If only these words applied to my life now. Things haven't been simple for as long as I can remember but for the past six months my life feels as if it's no longer in my control. My boyfriend Jake used to be my rock. I thought I was better off with him. But the stinging in my left cheek and the slight bruise forming under my eye beg to differ. He was always a bit temperamental but I brushed it off as passion. I told my self that yelling was as bad as it would get. I lied.

Things started off really good between Jake and I. He bought me flowers and took me to dinner a lot. But then we started going to parties almost every night.

My college work fell to the side slowly then I stopped going all together. I really liked college and I knew it was a great opportunity but Jake complained that he missed me to much when I was at class.

The past six months have been a blur of endless nights of drinking where I barely remember the details, just that I was with Jake. A few weeks ago he started to slip off for about thirty minutes each night. I didn't think much of it but then I saw him, headed to the bathroom with some slut on his arm. My confrontation is what led to the events of this evening.

I said he needed to stop cheating and he told me I was stupid for thinking anything was going on. Then right as he finished screaming at me about respect his hand made contact with my cheek. It felt like my face was burning and I shut myself in the bathroom so he wouldn't see me cry.

The funny thing is, I still loved him. I couldn't help it and I didn't want to love him anymore. But how can you turn your back on the person you love?

I heard a knock on the door and his voice sounded from the other side, "Natalie, I'm so sorry. Please come out. I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you."

Knees shaking, I got off the tile bathroom floor and slowly inched the door open. His face looked satisfied as he snaked his arm around my waist. "I feel like going out, come on." He said harshly as he grabbed his keys and nudged me towards the door. My mood wasn't very party worthy but I tried to look happy because I knew protesting him was a losing battle.

When we pulled up to the club it wasn't one of the usual places we went to. This place looked very dirty but the front security man was actually checking ID's and looking at some list. "Where are we?" I whispered to Jake as we waited in the small queue.

He chuckled and said, "I have some business to take care of, why? You think your to good for this place?" His voice was full of arrogance and mockery. By the time we got to the front I could tell this wasn't like the other clubs we went to. The security man had a gun strapped to his hip and I was beginning to think Jake's "business" wasn't anything I would like.

Niall's POV

"NIALL!!! Are you coming with us??" Louis' voice drifted throught the flat and into my bed room. I was laying on my bad looking at twitter again.

Everyone was going out tonight to celebrate us finishing the video for Live While We're Young but I just wasn't in the mood. It would be Lou and El, Dani and Liam, Zayn and Perrie, Harry and his new interest Taylor, and then me. I was always the guy walking into parties, clubs, or premiers alone.

How is it that even Harry has found someone before me? You would think it would be easy for me to find a girl. I had plenty of them willing to go out with me but I wanted what the others had.

I didn't want a girl just to have one. I wanted someone that makes me happy just thinking about them. Someone who didn't care that I was Niall Horan of One Direction, because that wasn't me. That was what I did for a living.

I love being in One Direction but being famous is quite lonley most of the time. I can never tell if someone is hanging out with me for my title or because they genuinly liked me.

I reluctantly got off my bed and headed into the living room where everyone was waiting for me. All of them were in full on couple mode the entire ride. They were all giggling and talking to eachother while I sat in the back of the car on my phone.

When we got into the club I split off from the group and grabbed a pint from the bar. We were at a different club tonight but it looked like all the rest. A crouded dance floor filled with girls in short skirts and guys attached to their hips.

Two or three pints later a girl stumbled up to the bar and took a seat a few spaces from me. Her eyes were puffy and she looked exhausted. She ordered a shot of tequila right away and I saw her down it without a second thought. I felt like I should say something so I slid onto the stool next to her and asked, "Bad night huh?"

She looked up at me and I saw her face fully for the first time. Her cheeks were tear stained and the left one looked puffy, almost swolen. She studied me for a moment then said, "I can't say I've had worse." She immediatly downed a seond shot and I could tell she wasn't exaggerating.

"Well sometimes it's good to talk about it. And I was dragged here with all my couple friends so I'm free." I don't know why I was even talking to her. She seemed like the kind of girl with a lot of baggage. But I couldn't really describe it. I just felt an undeniable connection to a stanger and thats not something one can ignore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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