The elemental wolf

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In this world, humans have taken over after the magic creatures endangered them centuries ago.

      Humans started to kill off all things magic. Dragons, elemental wolves, fairies, elves, well you name the rest.

     Many magic creatures are either extinct or endangered. The rule is, see a magic (any magic creatures) kill it.

      The magics hide in caves or in secret underground cities. elemental wolves are endangered. Dragons are rare and lay eggs every couple of years.

       Humans are killing too many of the magics, some want revenge, nearly all have hatred for humans. Almost all magics have a family member or friend killed by humans. Will a war start with magics and humans? Well lets look at this elemental wolf named Sisca, an ice wolf.


     Sisca woke in her icy den. The rules of her kind tell her not too wander near humans.

       Her mother and father where killed by humans. Since then she was afraid to go outside her den. The only time she would go out was to hunt. Even then, she was scared. Jumping at the slightest noise like a dear.

      Kind of weird, a wolf afraid of the forest. Then her powers started to develop. After that she was more adventurous. More unafraid.

        She was now old enough to get a mate. Though it was hard to find any elemental wolves. She was one of the few ice wolves left.

      Sisca stretched and padded out of her den. She smelt the air. Forest leaves, deer, no sign of humans.

     Her paws touches the ground so lightly, there is nearly no print in the brown dirt. She must be careful, footprints left behind could lead humans to her den.

        She must leave each cave every season. No settling, not til the humans stop killing. Not yet.

        She needs to find a mate or go extinct. Should I go to an underground city?, she thought.

       She padded back to her cave looking begin her for prints and swept them away with a branch.

       Sisca padded to the back of the cave. She looks at the walls. The ice sparkles. She looks at the distorted reflection. Just a white wolf, blue markings on face an body. Is there more like me?

      She stops. I will go to the nearest under ground city! I will find a mate! We will have pups! My species wont die! I wont let it happen!

      Just then a bush can be heard rustling out side. The fur on the back of her neck stands up. Sisca sprints to the darkest part of the caves. Her ice powers are going crazy.

     She skids to the end of the cave. Hopefully unseen. Someone steps into the cave.

"Search the place! It must be here!" a man yells.

      He is not alone. The escape tunnel. That's it. Get to the escape tunnel. Its risky. They could find me before I get there. It doesn't matter, its worth a shot before they get closer.

      She sprints for it, paws as light as a feather. She sees the cave that leads to her freedom. A yell can be heard.

"Shush! Listen!"

      It goes dead silent. Her sprint can barely be heard. Great, he's one of those super hearing guys.

     She goes faster, escape tunnel in sight.

"I hear it! That way!!!"

      Hurried footsteps can be heard racing her way.

     If possible, she went faster she squeezed in the narrow entrance and scrambled out. she opened her mouth and an icy breath flowed out.

     The tunnel is sealed. She catches her breath. So exhausted, she lays on her side and takes fast breaths.

   Her breathing slows. She gets up. Only to once again run.

I hope you enjoyed the first part of the story! if you want me to continue leave a comment

- your girl, Narnana

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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