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                                                Dan’s POV:

It was freezing in Phil and I’s flat tonight so naturally we sat in the living room playing Mario kart bundled up in blankets.

                “I won again!” I bragged surprise surprise I thought        

                “One more game?” Phil asks

                “Phil I’m getting tired, can’t we just watch a movie or something.”


As me and Phil started watching the movie I started thinking about how normal this felt like I should normally be curled up in a blanket next to Phil. Phil and I sat in silence the whole time I started to drift off quite quickly, I guess I didn’t realize how tired I was

                When I awoke I was sweating it was morning and it was quite possibly the best sleep I have ever had. I look around and freak out a little realizing I was in the living room with my flat mates arm around my shoulder and my head resting on his chest.

                I could feel Phil stirring so I quickly shut my eyes hoping that if he thought that I was asleep he wouldn’t get up and leave. Phil tightens his grip around my shoulder while he yawned. I then herd him smirk and lean down and kiss my forehead. Did he just kiss my forehead? I thought and started freaking out a little. Just as Phil started getting up, when I knew he was no longer looking at me I couldn’t stop smiling I had no Idea what had gotten in to me. Did Phil have that big of an effect on me?

                                                                                Phil’s Pov:

                I woke up to feel someone’s head on my chest I was a little confused the remembered how tired he got while we were watching the movie last night once he had fell asleep I put my arm around him and fell asleep myself. I observed Dan for a couple minutes before stretching and kissing him on the forehead because he was asleep and wouldn’t know. I got up and walked down the hall way to go jump in the shower.

                After I had gotten out of the shower Dan was sitting on the couch with his laptop and a cup of tea.

                “Good morning” I said to the brown haired man


                “How did you sleep?”


                “That’s good”

                                                                Dan’s Pov:

                “Hey Phil” I asked “umm, never mind” why did I do that now he’s going to know that something is up.

                “What is it Dan?” he asked

                “It’s nothing”

                “What’s bothering you?”

                “It’s just…. Why did you kiss me Phil?”

                “You were awake?”

                “Yeah, I’m not mad I just want to know why, is there something you’re not telling me”

                “W-well I-I-“

                “Phil” I cut him off “Do you like me?”

                “I didn’t want to have to tell you like this”

                He sounded disappointed, why is he upset I don’t understand why he would be I just asked him a question. Was he embarrassed?

                “Phil it’s okay if you like me but you have to tell me the truth”

                “Yeah Dan I like you a lot”

                “See that wasn’t that hard”

                “So you’re not mad?”

                “No I’m not mad in fact” I leaned really close into Phil causing him to blush a deep shade of red. Our foreheads are now touching “I like you to” I lightly pressed my lips to his. I think he was shocked it took him a few seconds to kiss me back I start to move my hand and put it on his cheek. After about five minutes I pulled away to take a breath. A big smile spread across Phil’s face which caused me to smile “How was that I asked?”

                                                                Phil’s POV:

“Amazing” I replied back

                “Good” he said smirking

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