Chapter one

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Kurt's point of view:

"Hey " I said as I called Dave.

"Kurt why are you calling me at 7am?" Dave replied while yawning.

"Remember we have band practice today at noon? I'll tell Krist not to be late again."

"Yeah I remember .." Dave lied.

"Ok! bye!" we both hung up. Dave went back to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about Dave. In my head there was a voice that kept saying "You don't love Dave!" There was another one saying "Dont you love Dave?"


It was finally time to go to practice.

I called Krist on my way there. "Dont forget this time!" I told him "I know Kurt I'm just walking out the door" Krist replied and hung up.

Krist's point of view:

"Dang!" I shouted while I quickly got dressed. I couldn't believe I forgot about practice AGAIN! It's probably the 6th or 7th time. I couldn't find any clean socks so I just decided to wear ones from the day before. I didn't have enough time to fix my hair or eat, but I expected Dave to bring a snack or something for us all.

Dave Grohl + Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now