Part 1

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Natalia POV

It was a rainy day outside and was pretty chilly weird for LA.

I was just laying in my bed with my laptop finishing some work I had order for the mechanic store.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the contact and it was my best friend Nash.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey Natalia we are hanging at my apartment come over it's boring without you!" He said

"It's rainy doe I'm cold" I said

"Ooh come on it's warm here and we have hot chocolate" he said

"Ugh!! Fine I'll be their in 20" I said and hanging up

I got up and put my diamond supply sweatshirt and some black leggings with my ugg boots.

I let my hair down it was cold to pull it up so I just had it down loose.

I did my makeup and got my car keys and got my umbrella.

I drove off to Nash apartment he shared with some of his friends.

I pulled up and parked and ran to their apartment, since it was raining hard.

I knocked of the door and Nash opened right away and pulled me into a hug.

"Your here!!" He said

"I am haha" I said

"Come in come in" he said motioning his hand to go inside

I walked inside and so many guys were in their pretty attractive guys tbh.

We all sat at the counter and the guys were talking about cars and then one with a bandanna yelled.

"Wow theirs another corvette next to my girlfriend!" He said

"He has a girlfriend?" I whispered

"His car" Nash whispered to me

"Ooh the white corvette next to your "girlfriend" Is mine" I said smiling

"Well damn babe what's your name hmu? Babe you got swag" he said

"Haha I'm Natalia and yeah anytime" I said

He sat next to me and we talked about our cars and had a good time.

"Hey Natalia meet Cam he's my best friend!" He said showing me this handsome guy with brown hair and brown eyes and a big smile.

"Heyy I'm Natalia nice too meet you, your cute" I said omg that just came out •o• but I didn't care

"Your cute too I'm Cameron but call me Cam" he said with a wink

We all sat and talked then he was surprised how much I knew of cars.

"Yeah I'm a mechanic" I said

"Mechanic chick I like it" Taylor said

"Soo are you taken?" Cam asked me

"No I'm not" I said

"Your so pretty how come you aren't taken if your mechanic chick then many guys have tried to get with you" he said

"Some but I'm waiting for the one I've gotta go here's my card my number and phone number see you soon it's getting late" I said getting up

He pulled me Into a hug and it just felt so right and then I hugged Nash and said bye, and left.

My car roared and Taylor was running beside my car.

"Hmu sometime it would be fun with you" he said and smiled

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