Burned Words

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Hey, this is my first story prompt ever and im not much of a writer so if you want more (Or Not) please comment! ~Enjoy~

Here on this empty wasteland, there is no such thing as love, want, light... Instead, war populates this putrid air that I so calmly breathe in. I was born on the west side of Tier des Krieges and War is all I know. My name is Shiva and I am the general of the United Adamantine Forces, Squad J. I serve the human race every waking hour against the Guardians.

The rustling of rusty gear and the stomp of our peeling, black boots fill the night air as we made our way to our rendezvous. Squad J is made up of 5 soldiers. The Dolcin Twins, Sarah, Liem, and Jonathan. We have been through countless battles and had always had each other's backs. Liem was my second in command, and always respected my authority. Constantly looked at me with blue eyes that once shined.

"What's the plan?" said Ryland; one of the twins.
I looked over with a stone glare, warning him to be quiet as we moved, but ignorance for him was not bliss and he asked once more this time with a grin.
I whispered with a hiss, "We are meeting up with Squad C to make an attack on Heights forest."
Our boots pounded on a beat as we ran through the desert. Sweat glided down my head, and my ash colored hair stuck to my chapped lips. The moon shined down on us, lighting our path as we ran.

Liem looked towards me in a swift motion; his eyes, a washed out blue.

"What's on your mind?" "You alright?"
I subconsciously smiled at his question. I wasn't alright, I have died a hundred times, over and over again, but never on a battlefield. No, I died like my emotions; my soul leaving my hollowed body. Every piece of my soul withered away when the letters arrived from my hometown. Words so bare that I had cried for the first time in years. My baby sister, Lisa Marie Greenbaum, age fourteen, committed suicide at dawn the previous day. She had taken father's Kuda 16 and ended her story. Leaving us behind to complete it...

I lied through my soft expression "Fine, Just a bit hungry."
He softened his expression and looked down towards the sand that engulfed our boots.
"I miss her too you know." "It's okay to take a break and cry."

He slowed his pace and soon the other four followed, forcing me to stop. Dust flowed up as my steps dragged back towards them.

Agitated, Sarah spoke this time in a harsh tone, "I'll set up the camp for the night." She shouldered past Sydney: the other twin, and ruffled with her bag angerly. I never understood why she was so cold-hearted, but I guess that's what war does to you. I followed her, leaving Jonathan and Liem to talk about traveling tactics and routes to a nearby well.
Setting my oversized camo bag on the ground, I took out my canister, a soft brown pocket knife, and my compactible RWC Saiga IZ109T.
She looked up at me, her black hair falling over her bruised cheek. She then extended her hand out.
"Let me clean it."
I hesitantly looked over to my gun and pulled it towards her. With all the sand, cleaning would do it some good. I then continued to pull my other belongings out.
After a while, the camp was set up, each having our own cramped tent and a fire was burning furiously in the middle. All of us sat beside the fire, watching the emptiness in the flames as we ate our rations. Before I finished, I slowly reached over to my side to grab my bag. Inside was twenty letters from my family and the love of my life, Vince, but after I had found out he had used me for status in the Lithic Unit, I had left him. It pained me to remember his face when he so beautifully lied to me, I truly missed his chiseled face and his soft, green eyes. I spent nights thinking about him and I was tired and ready to be rid of the pain.
With a tear in my eyes and shaky hands, I threw the envolopes into the fire, watching the pages curl and bend when kissed by the flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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