Chapter 16 ~ Lying low

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The door whooshed open and I quickly ducked behind it. Light streamed into the room but was drowned out my the rooms own light as the person in the doorway switched it on. Harry came into the room, his back to me, and slammed the door without turning around. He threw his bag onto the bed and proceeded to remove his polo and beanie.

I realized I wasn't breathing and took a shot of breath in. It made the smallest sound and Harry immediately paused and slowly started to turn. I was in absolute shock and felt sick in the stomach at the fact he was about to see me.

But before he turned completely his phone rung in his bag on the bed and he seemed to forget about the noise I made and went over to answer it.

"Hello?" He asked. "Oh, heya Grimmy. Nah, we just got back, why?"

His conversation continued with his back towards me and I fantically searched the room for somewhere to hide until he left the room, supposedly to have a shower or something. On my right was a large set of French doors and I immediately assumed it was Harry's wardrobe. I sneaked inside with a quick glance back at Harry to make sure he hadn't seen me. Thank god, he was still chatting away with the phone propped between his ear and shoulder so he wasn't holding it. In fact, he was removing his pants. For some reason I suddenly felt flushed and quickly drew back into the closet, breathing faster than I already was.

After a few confusing seconds I heard Harry's door open and Niall's voice.

"Sorry, Haz, I'm just gonna grab my converse you borrowed last week. I don't think you gave them-" Niall swung the closet doors open.

Niall froze as he stood there, the closet doors wide open. He had seen me. I was just behind the door so our noses almost touched. He was staring straight into my eyes with a look of shock and confusion.

I didn't say anything, just projected a pleading look into his sky blue eyes.

Harry's voice sounded.

"Did you find them Niall?" He asked.

"No, I don't think they're here." Niall's eyes tore away from mine and he shut the door in my face. "Just forget it, I think I've got them anyway."

I heard the door slam and Harry potter off into the bathroom. The shower started running and I let out a relieved sigh. Niall had saved me from a potential disaster. Why was he so keen on protecting me?

I had mixed feelings, and started to feel very chlaustrophobic. I had to get out of this closet! I quietly but quickly opened the closet door and rushed to the front door. I opened it and closed it behind me, finally breathing in fresh air from the corridor. I closed my eyes and leant on the door, so happy that I had made it out. I would have been SWCREWED otherwise.

It only took me 10 seconds to get back to my room if you count how fast I ran. When I finally locked the door behind me and closed all the shutters, I checked I still had the stress ball in my pocket, and when I did, I placed it on my bedside table. I was just about to fall onto the bed with exhaustion when I heard I knock on my door.

"The Fuu..." I started. I was so tired and sick of everything going pear-shaped. I just wanted to sleep!

I trudged over to the door and swung it open, expecting it to be Niall or Eleanor.

But the person in the doorway was so unlikely I had to blink a few times to make sure it was real.

"I'm going to assume that you didnt call me because you missed me way to much and couldn't handle the stress of being without a best friend."

The tan, brown haired girl smiled a cheeky smile and leant one hand on her suitcase handle.

"Rachel? What the hell are you doing here?"

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