Mickey and the Gummi Bear Martini

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Mickey Pickle was halfway through her second gummi bear martini when her friend Val Steward pulled into the parking lot of Tequila Mockingbird. Mickey waved excitedly from her table on the taqueria's patio.

With considerably less fanfare, Val returned Mickey's wave and joined her at the four-top. Val sighed. In contrast to Mickey's short-shorts and Slytherin t-shirt, Val was dressed in business attire and uncomfortable heels, which she promptly slipped out of.

"Tough day at the office, babe?"

"You know it. When are you going to give up your life of leisure and join the workforce anyway?"

"I start my internship next week, thank you very much. How is yours by the way?"

"Great! I mean the hours suck, which is why I am late, but I am working side by side with Rex..."

"You mean Mayor O'Donnell."

"We're on a first name basis. Like I was saying, we're working side by side, crafting policy, getting things done for Lake City. And speaking of late, where are Brigid and Tori?"

"Not sure. They'll be here in time for trivia though. Tell me about this policy you're crafting."

"You wouldn't be interested. What are you drinking anyway?"

"I am, that's why I'm asking, and it's a gummi bear Martini," Mickey answered, finishing the drink.

"Mickey, you do realize this is a taqueria, right. You're supposed to be drinking a margarita."

"I know, but these are so good."

"Hey, Val," Jon, their regular server interrupted. He was wearing shorts not much longer than Mickey's with the requisite Tequila Mockingbird t-shirt and a waist apron that bore more than a passing resemblance to the Mexican flag. "What're you drinking?"

"Margarita. Rocks. Salt."

"I'll have another of these," Mickey chimed, passing the empty glass to John.

"Right, one margarita, rocks, salt, one more gummi bear martini."

"One more... for now," Mickey corrected.

Jon rolled his eyes, and Mickey slapped him playfully. "You ladies ready to order?"

"We're still waiting on Brigid and Tori," Mickey answered.

"Of course, what was I thinking. The Four Amigos."

"Las Cuatras Amigas," Mickey translated.

"You want a job here?"

"Uh, no thanks, Jon. I'll be starting my internship next week, working with a neurologist over at Lake City Hospital."

"You ladies and your fancy internships. I'll be right back with your drinks."

"So, Val, you were telling me about some policy something."

"It's boring, Mickey. I mean, not really boring, but it doesn't make for fun conversation. I will tell you about something else fun I am going to be doing this summer though."

"Oh, this sounds like it could be juicy."

"So, in an effort to expand Lake City's budget surplus..."

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