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A new insect, never before it's kind. Nobody new where it came from,or what it was, but this creature liked to refer itself to "Gregg".Gregg was bullied by others for being different, threatened by woodlouse and picked on by ants Gregg knew he didn't belong here, Gregg was miserable in his childhood, having no friends or family but, Gregg did have one thing nobody could take away from him, his dreams, dreams were the only thing that stopped him from ending it all, dreams made him have hope of finding a perfect place full of creatures like him, were he can finally live happy and not be mocked by the other bugs anymore and maybe even find his family how much he wanted to see them,he wasn't sure he had one as he hatched on a single blade of grass under the nights sky, alone, but he must've came from somewhere, he always dreamt of his family, he always dreamt of what they looked like and what would they say to him when they finally met but thinking about this made Gregg more miserable as he didn't know where to start looking for them . After years and years of sadness Gregg knew what he had to do, find his home. He knew this will be challenging and a long journey but with his determination he knew anything was possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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