middle school

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It all started with a crush. I liked him and he liked me but he was dating another girl:( It was MONTHS after i started liking him that they broke up. After that i never really had the confidence to ask him out but he asked me. At the football game we would hang out with all of our friends,go on dates all that stuff then it was getting to about month six where we both haven't ever kissed before. We were both anxious to kiss but also nervous. He threw a christmas party a week later and invited all of his friends and mine. We all had fun and some kids even drank some liquor. The party ended around one am and everyone went home except for me. I helped him clean up and then he walked me home (we live in the same neighborhood). On the way back to my house we held hands. Then all the sudden he pulled my arm and we started running? I was very confused but i went along with what he was doing. He pulled me behind someone else's house and started kissing me.

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