Love yourself.

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Do i matter as much as they do?
Really now, sometimes i't it better if you die?
YES IT IS but NO i am not going to do that to me becouse some people do not know how to love , how to appreciate , how to show you what's inside the box of their heart.Life is great one way or another.Life is precious and so i am.

How can some people kill themselves?
I mean, i have thought about it and i also have tried it, not gonna lie is so stupid.We all should know that there are so many reasons not to do it and they are more important than the reasons to do it.I feel lucky that i know that now.I feel like i am alive.That doesn't mean i am not in pain often or that i never cry.I do.But there are times i smile and i feel so happy that my heart burns.There are times i feel so important to the people that are important to me too.There are times that i see the ones i love happy.There are times i feel so complete.There are times i have this feeling that i want to learn things and be smart.There are times that everything seems so amazing.Yes, they can't last forever, they end and start again.But these feelings, i could never replace them or forget them.I want to be alive to have these feelings.Also, imagine that if you kill yourself you will make those who love you sad.You will make them feel the same feeling of pain you had and force yourslef to death.Why ?
And don't you dare think that no one loves you.You know that there is somebody in this world that loves you for who you are.Maybe it's one person maybe there are more of them.Whatever.Even the one person is enough.Always remember that.

It matters if you exist.It matters if you smile, if you cry.

Never make the ones you love feel unloved.As people we need to always feel we matter for the ones that matters to us.Be kind and love unconditionally.You don't need a reason to help people or to be nice to someone.Fill your heart with happiness, with nice thoughts, with kind and respect for the others.Once you will feel good with yourslef and you love yourslef you will see a lot of difference around you.No, i don't mean that nobody will ever hurt you again.You will cry, you will be in pain again.But as long as you keep yourself strong you will always be able to stand after you fall down..and believe me that is so important for your life.♥
Always encourage yourself to achieve what you want.There are times that you only need you to be by your side.You are the only one that will keep you strong.You are precious.Don't wither you.Water you.Take care of yourself.You matter.You grow and you glow.Love yourself first.

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