The Beginning

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It all started in her head. The constant battle between herself and herself... Always bickering back and forth with herself. A war she couldn't win. Only because she was unsure of how to be happy. There was always something missing. Always confused at what was to come next... All until the day she met him.


It was a a normal day here in Michigan, in the middle of April. Rain trickling down from the sky. Much like the world was crying. As if it were unhappy.

I was walking down the street. At a quick pace, to get out of the rain. Making my way to my favorite cafe. The Dash. Where I spend most of my time writing. When I write, I write just about everything. Songs, poems, short stories. The only thing I haven't got around to writing was who I was and who I felt I was. I guess I was all ready doing that in the songs or the poems I have written. The short stories revolving around who I am and who I was.

I walked into the cafe and automatically made eye contact with him. Sitting in the corner all by himself as always. My best friend since kindergarten. Skylar Lee. Drinking his caramel mocha. And reading. A feeling of déjà vu passed over me. It seems to be everyday when I walk in The Dash, and look at my best friend I see the same thing everyday. I guess i'v gotten used to it. It would be strange to me if it was different. He was of course looking down at his phone. I plopped down in the seat and waited till he looked up.

"Its a rainy day out there, huh Ki?"

"Yeah its gonna really start coming down this afternoon."

We always talk in small talk. I guess we've got so used to it since when my parents split it completely killed me and I've hadn't had enough to say. But of course he asks me how I'm holding up with it all. Just like everyday. "I'm the same as yesterday",I say. But yesterday I told him I was fine. He looked at me knowing I was lying and avoiding the topic.

"You know you can tell me."

" I know. I just don't like talking about it." As soon as I said it a loud noise pulled everyone in the cafe to life. We all turned and looked out the window as soon as my head turned a car came smashing its side right into the window I was sitting in front of. It all went dark from there. And I was dreaming.

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